Autumn is over, winter is coming

Meromenia: Detailed weather by month

The first snows are expected between November 8 and 13 at very low altitudes in Macedonia, Epirus and Thessaly.

December 2024. The first ten days of November will bring low temperatures and possible snowfall in the lowlands of Macedonia and at low altitude in Central Macedonia and the eastern part of the country. In the last ten days of the year the weather will gradually become milder but with rains throughout the country.

January 2025: The time will start with low temperatures and snowfall in the plains in the North of the country. In the middle of the month, there is a possibility of unprecedented cold for the season and possible snowfall across the country.

As for February 2025, the special characteristics of the weather will be cold and snow. March 2025 will be split in two with strong winter touches in its second half.

A very difficult winter is just around the corner.

What are Meromens – How do they predict the weather?

In the countryside, people for thousands of years have preserved from generation to generation the practical knowledge of studying and forecasting the weather.

By examining natural phenomena and “signs” from the sky, they tried to predict the weather conditions for the coming year.

The Meromenia are the first twelve days of August during which according to tradition some can predict the weather for the next twelve months. The word comes from “day” and “month” as each day of these corresponds to a complete cycle of the moon or otherwise a month.

People chose August as the month to decode the weather symbols as this month was considered the beginning of winter. In particular, according to what they observed, whatever the weather is on the first day of observation, the same weather will be the first month of the year.

Some count the Days from the 1stor until 12or day of August while some others from the 3or until the 15th day. The only thing that doesn’t change is that the days are always twelve and each one corresponds to a month, starting from August.

It is worth noting that there are some people in the countryside who make predictions in the evenings by observing the movements of the stars.

There are not a few people who support the Merominia as they believe that this way they will be able to predict their work and their occupations, especially those who are in the countryside and are engaged in agricultural and livestock work.

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#Autumn #winter #coming



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