news of 21 10 2024 – ilGolosario

Observations on Current Events: A Cheeky Commentary

The News

Ah, welcome to the world we live in, where the real epidemics are obesity, cancer, and diabetes! Considering how much pizza and pasta we’ve been scarfing down, it’s no surprise, is it? Mariano Bizzarri, a professor from La Sapienza University, reveals that tumors of the gastrointestinal tract are becoming increasingly popular among the under-50 crowd. Talk about a rising trend, eh? Who needs fashion week when you can have tumor week? Numbers don’t lie: 8 out of 14 of the tumors with the biggest increase are gastrointestinal. Let’s keep those stomachs in check, folks!

Now, if you think that’s juicy, wait for this: Italy is falling behind Spain in olive oil production! I mean, how can we call ourselves a gastronomical country if we can’t even produce our liquid gold? This year, the Iberians are aiming for a whopping 1.2 million tons. In comparison, Italy seems to be twiddling its thumbs with just 200,000 tons — a bit of a dip if you ask me. The Spanish are busy breaking out their fancy machinery while we’re still trying to figure out how to clean the local groves.

On the greener side of things, we have some innovators turning discarded pods into energy! Yes, folks, if you couldn’t get enough of your espresso, now you can power your home with your discarded coffee pods. Only in Cesena, where they’ve managed to produce a staggering 49 thousand cubic meters of biomethane per year. So if you’re ever questioned about your caffeine addiction, just say you’re saving the planet!

And speaking of saving the world, Africa is making a culinary transition too! Through the Clean Cooking Eni program, sub-Saharan Africa is slowly waving goodbye to those pollution-spewing stoves. They’ve even got a photography exhibition at MAXXI in Rome. Apparently, traditional African cuisine is “still largely to be exploited.” Well, I suppose if you can’t innovate, just go digging in the past!

Fleeing Grape Harvesters and the Air Blowing Through the Vineyards

Now, it seems we have a case of the Italian grape escape! Young grape pickers are swapping Venetian vineyards for French ones, simply because… they pay better! Who knew all it took to lure our youth away was some decent coin and a place to crash? Two thousand euros a month and free accommodation, and they’re off quicker than you can say ‘Sangiovese’!

Meanwhile, in the vineyards of the Langhe, they’re sporting optimism. “This year will be based on elegance and freshness rather than power!” says Paola Lanzavecchia, the president of the wine section in Confindustria. Sounds like she’s describing a Tinder date rather than a wine vintage. But hey, who are we to judge?

Unfortunately, LVMH seems to be in a bit of a pickle, as sales for Moet Hennessy are down 11%. Perhaps they should start offering something special to entice the drinkers back; I suggest 2-for-1 discounts or even a fancy “buy a bottle, get a free grape picker” deal! What could go wrong?

Did I Understand Correctly?

Now let’s turn our attention to the Verona Arena, which seems to think wild boars have a preference for chestnuts. What a revelation! Next, we’ll find out they’re also gluten intolerant. Meanwhile, the Abruzzo region is making a fuss over double certification for a local specialty. But hold your horses, folks; European regulations don’t allow it. Always rules, isn’t it? Whatever happened to “the more, the merrier”? Seems like the EU is not so into sharing after all!

The Thought

Chef Stefano Terigi recently gave up his Michelin Star, stating, “I prefer customer satisfaction to gastronomic performance.” Who could have thought? To be fair, if people aren’t satisfied, you might as well serve them a side of bad reviews!

The Tasting

Moving on to culinary delights, we have The Cousins of Turin, located in Nizza Monferrato. They serve up cured meats and cheeses that make your heart race, along with roasted agnolotti! Yes, it is a hot dog reimagined, topped with baked potatoes and paired with Cantabrian anchovies. They boast a wine list featuring over 1,200 labels. Talk about a perfect excuse to get tipsy!

The Wine

Last but not least, let’s address the Sicilia Bianco “Zurrica” 2022 from the Abbey of Santa Anastasia. With its striking gold color and delightful exotic fruit notes, it sounds like the Botticelli painting of the wine world! If rosemary is making an appearance in wine, we’re entering some avant-garde territory. Just remember: a wine with a complex personality is just as important as a partner with the same — am I right?

So there you have it, folks! From health crises to culinary escapades, Italy continues to be as colorful as a bottle of premium Chianti. Make sure to keep your stomachs full and taste buds happy!

The News

Real epidemics are obesity, cancer and diabetes. Pathologies caused largely by incorrect nutrition are on the rise: among these are tumors that affect the gastrointestinal tract, which are on the rise among those under 50. La Verità on Sunday talks about it with an article from Mariano Bizzarri, professor at La Sapienza University who explains how 8 out of 14 of the tumors for which the greatest increase in incidence has been recorded concern the gastro-intestinal tract. @ Italy is increasingly distant from Spain in the olive oil production: this year there are expectations from Iberian producers 1.2 million tonssix times the figure for the Peninsula. Structural reasons stand out behind this decline: in Italy there are around 620 thousand two-hectare companies with enormous production costs, while in Spain there are super-intensive plants that multiply yields also thanks to investments in expensive machinery. @ fathers transforms discarded pods into energy: in fact, in recent years the Cesena company has put into operation a plant capable of producing 49 thousand cubic meters of biomethane per year. @ Africa’s transition passes through the kitchen: with the program Clean cooking Eni supplies stoves and cooking systems in sub-Saharan Africa so as to encourage the abandonment of polluting and health-threatening techniques. The project is at the center of a photographic exhibition at MAXXI of Rome where he also talks about the traditional cuisine of these countries, a treasure still largely to be exploited.

Fleeing grape harvesters and the air blowing through the vineyards

After the brain drain, there is the brain drain grape harvesters. Many young people ready to move from Veneto to France to harvest grapes. The reason? “They give us two thousand euros a month and the house” young people, mostly university students, tell the story in the Corriere di Verona. Furthermore, upon returning to Italy it would also be possible to collect unemployment benefits for a few months. @”It will be an excellent year“. In the vineyards of the Langhe there is optimism despite declining sales and the climate not favorable to the harvest. “We expect a vintage based on elegance and freshness rather than power – explains Paola Lanzavecchiapresident of the wine section of Confindustriathe difference this year will be made by the ability of each winemaker“. @ And that doesn’t exactly make a good impression on you fine wine marketthe group also demonstrates it Lvmh: towards the dismissal of the manager Show because Moet Hennessy is the group’s lowest performing business with sales down 11% in the first 9 months of the year. (Corriere della Sera) @ Glasses frames from exhausted barrels. In the Corriere della Sera the idea of Lorenzo Del Tufodesigner from Alba, who thus combined the family tradition (his grandfather was a winemaker) with his own work, thus creating the start-up “Barriqule”

Did I understand correctly?

Wild boars fond of chestnuts and chestnuts. The Verona Arena highlights the passion of the ungulates by dedicating a full-page title to it. (In fact we were all convinced that in the woods they brought packed lunches from home). @ Indication of origin or protected name? And why not both. There Abruzzo region announces the request for double certification for the well-known specialty. However, European regulations do not allow this. (But is it okay? NDR)

The thought

I prefer customer satisfaction to gastronomic performance. The kitchen is demanding but for a couple of years it has been easier to find staff“. So the chef Stefano Terigi, fresh from giving up the Michelin Star, interviewed by Carlo Cambi on LaVerità.

The tasting

In the room The Cousins ​​of Turin (via Gozzellini, 12 – tel. 346 3878839) of Nizza Monferrato (AT)with drinks at the counter on the lower floor and a cozy restaurant on the upper floor. Platters of signature cured meats and cheeses, roasted agnolotti, a revisitation of the Hot Dog with baked potatoes, Cantabrian anchovies with Isigny butter to pair with 1200 labels. Paolo Massobrio talks about it on IlGolosario.

The wine

Il Sicilia Bianco “Zurrica” 2022 of the company Abbey of Santa Anastasia (tel. 0921 672233) Of Castelbuono (PA)who will also star in Delicious Milan. Produced with sauvignon and chardonnay grapes, it is striking for its gold color and balsamic scent on the nose with notes of exotic fruit and a volcanic, mineral base. In the mouth it is soft, fine, filigree with a complex finish between bitter and savory. The note of rosemary that also returns in the mouth is curious. A wine with great substance.



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