Shaila Gatta and Lorenzo Spolverato fly to Spain – Big Brother 2024 | GF – Big Brother

The results of the televoting

A special surprise awaits the tenants! The audience’s favorites, in fact, will have the chance to pack their bags and snag a ticket to…Spain!

The Spanish Big Brother House will open its doors to two of them. But everything will happen without the competitors knowing!

LED shoulders, between Lorenzo, Shaila, Amanda e Yulia the first to save herself is the latter who, in disbelief, thanks the public.

The second competitor to return to her companions is Amanda who, after confessing that she prefers Shaila to be eliminated rather than Lorenzo, sits down on the sofa again, wide-eyed in shock.

The tenants destined for the Spanish trip are, therefore, Shaila and Lorenzo but the two do not yet know that they are about to face a very hot trip.

Lorenzo: the first of the two favorites

Alfonso opens the connection in the House and announces that one of the two tenants will be eliminated.

Lorenzo never expected to find himself in such a situation and, like Shaila, he hopes to stay in the House for as long as possible.

The envelope arrives with the verdict: the first to leave is Lorenzo.

Crying, Helena she runs to hug him. Also Giglio sheds bitter tears, sad for his dearest friend in there. Amanda she greets him last and hugs him tightly.

After the ritual greetings, Lorenzo crosses the Red Door and joins Alfonso in the studio.

Excited and with a dazzling smile, Lorenzo makes his entrance. The greeting to Alfonso is obligatory and, immediately afterwards, the boy comments on his adventure.

Without revealing anything, the host asks the boy what he thinks he did wrong. If he had been clearer with Shaila, would things have gone differently?

Lorenzo admits that he didn’t follow his heart and that he missed an opportunity but, at the same time, he believes that the dancer ignored his obvious feelings a little.

The second (fake) eliminated: Shaila

Surprisingly, a second envelope arrives and Alfonso connects with the House. He announces the (fake) double elimination to the competitors and sends the three nominated women with their backs to the LED.

After saving first Amanda and then Yulia, the host announces that Shaila will have to leave the House.

The boys, not believing in Alfonso’s words, take the news positively and greet their friend with warm kisses.

Also Javier he approaches her and gives her a hug, but they leave coldly.

With her usual energy, Shaila enters the study and throws herself into Lorenzo’s arms. Jokingly, the boy invites her to drink coffee.

The tenants stand facing each other for a final confrontation. The dancer believes she was eliminated because she took too long choosing between the two contestants. Lorenzo agrees, he probably should have been clearer too.

Shaila admits that she listened to her brain out of pride and defense, without listening to her heart instead.

Shaila, I listened to the head too” says the boy “Already from the second day my heart was going in one direction” continues. Unfortunately that’s how it went, but Lorenzo could always get back on track!

The contestants conclude the story with a hug and sweet kisses on the cheek.

We leave for the Great Hermano

“There is one last emotion to experience…” states Alfonso, placing himself between Lorenzo and Shaila. “You two are crowd favorites” he shouts.

Overwhelmed with joy, the boys jump and celebrate. But it’s not over yet!

The contestants are given their suitcases: they are about to discover the truth.

A clip announces that they will soon fly to Madrid. They have to leave for Spain immediately, they are expected in an important house… they will go to the Grande Hermano for a week!

Incredulous and with their luggage well-handled, Lorenzo and Shaila leave, ready to have fun with flamenco, castanets and paella. An incredible adventure awaits them…perhaps with that touch of fuego that never hurts.

The Results of the Televoting

Oh, hold onto your popcorn, folks! The audience’s favorites are getting a one-way ticket to…Spain! Yes, indeed, you heard that right. Forget about your usual sun-soaked vacations; the exciting world of Big Brother promises a journey that’s probably got more twists than a Spanish flamenco dancer!

Now, let’s address the contestants with all the drama worthy of a Shakespearean play: Lorenzo, Shaila, Amanda, and Yulia. First off the elimination couch is Yulia, and bless her, she’s thanking the public like they just handed her a trophy for best supporting actress in a soap opera! How sweet.

The next to return from the depths of tension must be Amanda. She’s sitting there wide-eyed like a kid in a candy store—oh wait, she prefers Shaila to be eliminated. Someone’s got their priorities straight! But for now, let’s all applaud Shaila and Lorenzo for packing bags that could possibly contain more drama than their entire life story.

Lorenzo: The First of the Two Favorites

And here’s where the plot thickens! Alfonso, the host with a smile that could light up a room, announces there’s been a surprising twist—a good ol’ elimination. And guess who’s in the hot seat? Lorenzo! Who, by the way, looks like he’s just realized his local pizza place charges for extra toppings.

With tears flowing like a rom-com movie finale, Helena and Giglio are hugging him as if he’s the last slice of pizza at a party. Poor Amanda is left to say goodbye, clutching him tightly like he’s just been voted off a deserted island—he should’ve known better than to skip out on the friendship card game!

When Lorenzo finally arrives in the studio, he’s wearing a dazzling smile, albeit one a bit shaky, like a Jenga tower on the edge of collapse. What did he do wrong, asks Alfonso? Note to self: always be clearer with feelings, boys—important life advice right there!

The Second (Fake) Eliminated: Shaila

Buckle your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen, because here comes the second envelope of doom—or as I like to call it, the ‘What the heck just happened?!’ announcement. Shaila is announced as eliminated, and you could just hear the collective gasp of disbelief. It’s a bit like when your favorite character gets killed off in a series—you’d better believe the boys in there are going to be handing out warm hugs like they’re Oprah giving away cars!

But what’s this? Shaila bounces into the studio like a rubber ball, and instead of tears, she’s going straight for Lorenzo. Can you say ‘plot twist’? And now they’re engaging in that dance of confusion — ‘I should have listened to my heart,’ she says, and Lorenzo nods, probably wishing there was a life coach around to help navigate their feelings.

We Leave for the Great Hermano

“There’s one last emotion to experience…” Oh Alfonso, darling, you are quite the dramatic master. Lorenzo and Shaila find themselves in the spotlight as crowd favorites, and let me tell you, they’re celebrating like it’s 1999!

But wait, you think that’s it? Not a chance! They’ve packed up their bags, and the truth awaits them: a flight to Madrid is in their future! It’s like winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s factory, except instead of chocolate, it’s reality television and a week in Europe.

So, off they go with a suitcase potentially filled with castanets and paella, ready for what we can only imagine will be a spicy, problem-laden journey filled with as much heat as a summer’s day in Seville! Let’s just hope someone remembers to pack the sunscreen…



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