Thousands of Spaniards protested in Madrid demanding the resignation of Pedro Sánchez

Between cries of protests and calling for the resignation of the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez, thousands of people gathered in the city of Madrid, two days after the Spanish official closed an agreement with the independentists to approve the amnesty law for those prosecuted for the secessionist process of 2017.

We must remember that last Thursday The leader of the Socialist Party of Spain and the Catalan independence groups Esquerra Republicana and Junts finally closed an agreement to achieve a controversial amnesty law that a part of the Spanish population rejects, as well as the right-wing and far-right political opposition, as Efe highlights.

EThis legal instrument, which is scheduled to be debated in Congress next week and shortly after in the Senate, stipulates that some 372 people may directly benefit.on which criminal cases are related to the independence process of the autonomous region of Catalonia, including some 90 police officers.

Given this, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, the socialist Félix Bolaños, avoided commenting on when the former Catalan president could return to Spain. Carles Puigdemontthe main architect of the unconstitutional secessionist attempt of October 2017.

As far as Puigdemont is concerned, Bolaños maintained that he cannot talk about specific cases, and indicated that “this law is not made for anyone” specifically.

In the same way, he reiterated that there is an unequivocal desire that all the people involved be covered by this law, which has generated a strong political, legal and social controversy in the country.

This Saturday, many of the protesters who shouted “There are plenty of reasons, Sánchez resigns!” arrived near the Cibeles Palace in Madrid, headquarters of the City Council, to participate in a demonstration called by more than twenty associations, including Fundación Foro Libertad y Alternativa, Neos, Convivencia Cívica Catalana or Impulso Ciudadano.

Leaders of the conservative Popular Party, leader of the opposition, and the far-right Vox participated in the protest.

The protesters carried banners calling for Sánchez’s resignation and they read “Not in my name. Neither amnesty, nor self-determination”.

#Thousands #Spaniards #protested #Madrid #demanding #resignation #Pedro #Sánchez



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