"Eliminate Bitcoin": the appeal from the ECB against cryptocurrencies – Punto Informatico

The ECB’s Anti-Crypto Circus

Ah, the European Central Bank (ECB)! They’ve undoubtedly taken a stance on Bitcoin that seems to be more about theatrics than economics. I mean, if they were any more anti-Bitcoin, they’d have to put up a “No Crypto Zone” sign at the entrance of their headquarters, complete with a bouncer! But let’s take a peek at their reasoning before we throw them a comedy roast.

ECB’s Take on Bitcoin

According to the recent document issued by the ECB, the world’s leading cryptocurrency is like that friend at a party who just won’t leave—becoming more of a nuisance the longer it sticks around. In fact, they’ve said that high BTC prices don’t contribute to the productive potential of the economy. In simpler terms: Bitcoin means nothing for actual growth. It’s just sitting there, like a cat on a windowsill, soaking up the sun and enjoying life while everyone else is hustling.

Now, here’s the juicy bit—they’re claiming that if Bitcoin continues to rise, it’s a big problem, mostly because the wealth of early investors comes at the expense of latecomers. It’s like a lavish birthday party where only a select few get the cake, while the rest of the guests are left asking, “What about us?” You can practically hear the collective sigh of those late-starters. It’s redistribution in reverse… or perhaps just a colossal slice of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) pie!

Meet Jürgen Schaaf: The ECB’s Anti-Crypto Cheerleader

Enter Jürgen Schaaf, the ECB’s senior management advisor—let’s call him the Grinch of the cryptocurrency world. He recently took to X (formerly Twitter) and urged everyone to “delete Bitcoin.” Can you even imagine someone passionately tweeting about deleting a currency? Next, he’ll be suggesting we all dump our cash into a wishing well! But if you want to know how he feels about Bitcoin, here’s a delightful nugget:

“Bitcoin is a speculative bubble that will eventually burst.”

Well, that’s optimistic, isn’t it? Forget the *big bang* theory, we’re more worried about the *big bust* theory when it comes to Bitcoin! But wait, Schaaf recalibrates—the ECB advocates limiting Bitcoin’s growth. I can see it now: “Let’s put Bitcoin in a timeout until it learns to play nice with the traditional economy.”

Cry Me a River, ECB!

Now, it’s time for a rebuttal! Steven Smith, the CEO of Celestial Mining Management (and the unofficial voice of all pro-cryptos everywhere), stepped up to the plate. He’s not having it. He remarked that bureaucrats shouldn’t dictate what they believe is “right” based on their own economic views. I mean, come on, who likes being told what to do—especially by someone in a suit with a penchant for using phrases like “redistribution of wealth” and “economic potential.” What’s next? A lecture on why we should all wear tweed jackets?

And Then There’s Trump…

Oh, and speaking of wild takes on crypto, we can’t forget good ol’ Donald Trump proclaiming that the United States will become the capital of cryptocurrencies. I can hear it now: “Make Crypto Great Again!” Who needs a financial plan when you can just throw more buzzwords into the mix? It’s a *fantastic* plan if you’re looking to confuse the masses. You’ve got the ECB warning against Bitcoin’s wealth disparity, and then you’ve got Trump strutting onto the stage saying, “Just invest, folks! What could go wrong?”

Final Thoughts

So as we wade through the comedy of errors that is the ECB’s anti-crypto policy, one can’t help but wonder: Is Bitcoin the villain, or is it just the scapegoat in an economic drama? Money is meant to flow, trade is meant to happen, and those who enter the crypto world do so knowing the risk. It’s the classic tale of high-stakes poker—you win some, you lose some, and in this case, there’s a whole lot of shouting from the sidelines.

In conclusion, whether you’re a pro-crypto enthusiast or a staunch ECB supporter, just remember that laughter is the best medicine. So let’s sit back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show—both in markets and in policy!

The company’s anti-cryptocurrency policy continues BCEthe European Central Bank, which, in a recent document, warns against Bitcoin. Paradoxically, according to the ECB, if the price of BTC continues to increase it will be a problem. The reasons? Here they are summarized in an extract from the official ECB document:

  1. does not increase the productive potential of the economy;
  2. the consequences of the alleged increase are essentially redistributive;
  3. therefore, the effects on the wealth of first holders they occur at the expense of the consumption of the rest of society;
  4. the existence of Bitcoin impoverishes both non-holders and latecomers.

This document was prepared with the support of Jürgen Schaaf, senior management advisor in the Market Infrastructure and Payments business area of ​​the ECB. Certainly not a crypto sympathizer. In fact, yesterday, in a post on X, he listed the reasons why everyone should “delete Bitcoin“. Let’s see together what his reasons are and the counter-responses of those who are pro crypto.

Bitcoin is “a speculative bubble that will eventually burst”

According to Schaaf the Bitcoin And “a speculative bubble which will eventually explode“. Furthermore, “BTC supporters are confident that it is a valuable investment asset, with the potential for continued growth in value. Even latecomers, they say, should jump in. But our analysis shows a different story“.

What does Schaaf mean by this statement? As stated in the ECB document, the idea is that if BTC prices continue to rise and the bubble does not burst, the wealth of early investors weighs on laggards and non-holders,”resulting in significant effects of redistribution“. The solution? For Schaaf it’s very simple:

Non-holders should recognize that Bitcoin’s rise is fueled by the redistribution of wealth at their expense. There are compelling reasons to support policies that limit Bitcoin’s growth or even eliminate it.

In response to these statements came the CEO of Celestial Mining Management, Steven Smith, who stated: “The point is, we haven’t bureaucrats who brag or intervene at the expense of everyone else based on what they believe is ‘right’ or ‘good’ or whatever“. Meanwhile, Donald Trump sees the United States as the future capital of cryptocurrencies.



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