Android 15 update is causing some Pixel 6 devices to stop working

Oh No! Google Pixel 6 Owners Hit by Android 15 Disaster

Well, well, well, it seems Googlers are in for a real laugh—if laughter were born from frustration and a bit of despair. You see, after updating to Android 15, some Google Pixel 6 owners have discovered their devices have turned into glorified paperweights. Yes, you heard it right! These phones are so “smart” they’ve just decided to “take a break”—a permanent break, apparently.

Reddit to the Rescue

Reports have been flooding in on Reddit, with Pixel 6 users saying their devices are now as responsive as a brick. You’d think updating software would, you know, update the software, not turn it into the latest in high-tech doorstops. This debacle follows a series of previous “bugs” that made the Pixel 6 about as reliable as a two-headed coin. Remember last year’s wonderful adventure with Android 14? That one caused storage crashes, and users couldn’t access their own photos, leaving them with nothing but memories of their great holiday trip… that they can’t retrieve!

A Reputation in the Gutter

Let’s not sugarcoat this—the Pixel 6 has suffered from more problems than an actor at an audition who forgot their lines. We’re talking about overheating, fingerprint readers that need a little pep talk to work, and charging issues that leave you wondering if you should just switch to carrier pigeon. And although some of these bugs have been squashed, the sheer frequency of issues is starting to earn the Pixel 6 a reputation that’s akin to showing up to a wedding dressed in last decade’s fashion: not great.

Is Android 15 the Straw?

Now we have Android 15—a version that some users claim may be playing a dangerous game with the Private Space feature, or could even crash during normal use. It’s like Google said, “Let’s add a little chaos into the mix!” At this point, it’s almost impressive how a device designed to connect us can leave so many people feeling utterly disconnected from their phones. The cherry on top of this delightful disaster? Google has been suspiciously quiet about it. Silence from the tech giant feels like a toddler with a cookie jar, caught in the act but deciding to just sit there and smile awkwardly.

Advice for Pixel 6 Owners

Let’s all save ourselves some grief—if you own a Google Pixel 6, hold off on that Android 15 update. Treat it like a blind date arranged by your well-meaning but problematic aunt. Just because it sounds good in theory doesn’t mean it won’t end in catastrophe. It’s better to wait for some clarity and a solution rather than find yourself scrambling to find a phone that doesn’t feel like a prop from a horror movie.

Final Thoughts

This whole situation raises eyebrows, and rightfully so! Trust is precious in the tech world, and incidents like these make it waver like a finely balanced skater on ice. And here’s to hoping Google pulls out a solution from their collective hat faster than a magician at a children’s party, lest those poor Pixel 6 users feel like they’ve opted for a lifetime of frustration. As renowned tech wizards often say: “You can’t spell ‘glitch’ without ‘it’!”


Several Google Pixel 6 owners are facing a serious problem after updating to Android 15, where their devices have become completely inoperative. Those affected have reported on Reddit that, after installing the new operating system, their phones remain “dead.” This incident follows a series of previous bugs related to updates on the Pixel 6. Last year, the update to Android 14 caused storage crashes, preventing users from accessing files and taking photos.

In addition to problems with updates, the Pixel 6 has been criticized for various issues since its launch. For example, overheating, fingerprint reader failures, charging and connectivity problems. Although some of these bugs have been fixed, the frequency of the problems has negatively affected the reputation of the device.

With the update to Android 15, reports indicate that the issue may be related to the use of the feature Private Space or even with normal use of the device, which is causing complete crashes. The lack of an official response from Google has generated greater uncertainty among users, and it is recommended not to update devices until a clear solution is offered. The situation is raising concerns, given the history of bugs on the Pixel 6.




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