Sport: Vipers Kristiansand, who won the BL three times in a row, filed for bankruptcy

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! It’s a little bit tragic on the handball front today—like watching a lead ballerina trip over her own shoelaces. Vipers Kristiansand, the team that danced on the Champions League stage like they were auditioning for a new musical, has filed for bankruptcy. Yes, folks, it’s not just the players who can’t seem to score; their finances are in the red too!

Now, for those who might not be familiar, Vipers Kristiansand is a prominent name in women’s handball. They’ve bagged the Champions League title three times in a row. That’s the kind of record that usually gets you a parade, not a bankruptcy notice! They’ve been the rockstars of the handball world, defeating teams like Győr and Fradi—making scores of 32-23 look effortless. But now, they’re hanging up their jerseys and calling it quits, far too prematurely, I must say.

Imagine this: you’ve just polished off a spectacular victory against Budapest’s Buducnost Podgorica and then you’re told the money’s run out. You’ve taken a bow, only to find out the curtain has come down for good! Talk about a buzzkill! The team has had financial troubles since spring, needing a cool 25 million Norwegian kroner (that’s nearly 850 million forints, or as I like to call it, “quite a lot”), and surprise, surprise, they didn’t hit the fundraising target. It’s like they went to a bake sale and no one brought cash!

The European Handball Federation (EHF) has chimed in, saying they’re “sorry to hear the news”—which is a lovely sentiment, but let’s be honest: it’s kind of like sending a condolences card after the funeral. “Oh, you were great, and now you’re…not.”

But here’s where it gets really fascinating! All 19 players are now free agents! Who’s hiring, eh? It’s a full-on free-for-all—like a buffet line after a sports event where everyone realizes they haven’t eaten all day. Do you think any of these players will suddenly join rival clubs? Imagine an ex-Viper showing up in an archrival’s colors. Now that’s juicy!

This whole saga is a classic reminder that in sports, and indeed life, you can only dribble so far before you hit the wall. Let’s hope this isn’t the end for the Vipers—perhaps a phoenix will rise from these financial ashes? You know what they say: you either win the match or you’re left with a giant “L” for loss, but never discount the comeback!

In closing, let’s raise a glass to the Vipers Kristiansand—may you find your footing again, financially speaking. And remember, even if you’re knee-deep in bankruptcy, at least you’re still the life of the party until the music stops! Thank you!

Sports: Vipers Kristiansand, who won the BL three times in a row, filed for bankruptcy

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October 2024. 21. 10:13 October 2024. 21. 14:30 Sports

The most successful women’s handball team of recent years also played a Champions League match on Saturday.

The Norwegian Vipers Kristiansand women’s handball team filed for bankruptcy after the board concluded that there was no funding for the team’s continued operation, reports M4 Sport. On Saturday, the team defeated Montenegro’s Buducnoszt Podgorica 32-23 in the group stage of the Champions League, this was their last match.

According to the announcement, the team will withdraw from the Norwegian league and the BL with immediate effect. In the international series, the Vipers were in the same group with Győr, among others, and in the match in Hungary in September, ETO won 27-22. The team’s 19 players become free to certify.

The team won the Champions League three times between 2021 and 2023, beating Győr once and Fradi once in the final. The club has had financial problems since last spring, they should have collected 25 million Norwegian kroner, nearly 850 million forints, to operate, but they did not succeed.

The European Handball Federation (EHF) announcement issued a statement about what happened, in which they said that they are sorry to hear the news and are confident that they have found the best solution for the players and employees.

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