how long does bad weather last – Weather

As announced, Saturday 19 October is a day characterized by bad weather throughout Italy. Which regions are most affected and how long will it last? To answer these questions, in the usual way weather forecast for La7, it is Paolo Sottocorona according to which there is a “trend towards the attenuation of bad weather in the westernmost sector”, but the map shows many areas in red, i.e. characterized by heavy rainfall. “Pretty intense phenomena, which take part of theEmiliapart of Venetomarginally Lombardy e Trentino Alto Adigebut the strongest red color is on the coasts of Romagna and of Marche“, explains the meteorologist. However, the center of low pressure “has moved to the lower Tyrrhenian Sea, so the intense phenomena take place in Lazio, Campania, Sicily, Puglia, Basilicata, that is, all of sud“.

On Sunday 20 October the situation is destined to ease, with an easing of the bad weather in Sardinia, the Middle Tyrrhenian Sea and the North-East. But “this axis remains from the north west towards Emilia Romagna, still with some intense phenomena”, explains the expert. Showers and thunderstorms therefore they are always expected on the lower Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas, the center of low pressure, where they will fall”very abundant rainfall“. It improves on Monday 21 October, when the bad weather will completely or almost leave the north and centre, while in the south the Ionian area will remain with locally intense phenomena.

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