Official! OJK Revokes Investree Business License – detikFinance


The Financial Services Authority (OJK) revoked the business license of PT Investree Radika Jaya (Investree). This permit was revoked because the online loan platform company (pinjol) violated the provisions which resulted in a case of failure to pay.

This revocation was decided through the Decree of the OJK Board of Commissioners Number KEP-53/D.06/2024 dated 21 October 2024. The company whose address is at AIA Central Floor 21, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A, RT05/RW04, Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta has violated minimum equity and other provisions as regulated in POJK Number 10/POJK.05/2022 concerning Information Technology-Based Joint Funding Services (LPBBTI) as well as deteriorating performance which disrupts operations and services to society.

Acting Head of the Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department, M. Ismail Riyadi, said that the revocation of business permits was also part of OJK’s efforts to create a healthy financial services industry, especially LPBBTI organizers.



“OJK has asked Investree Management and Shareholders to fulfill minimum equity obligations, obtain credible strategic investors, and make efforts to improve performance and comply with applicable regulations, including communicating with the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of Investree Shareholders to do the following. -the things referred to,” explained Ismail in a written statement, Monday (21/10/2024).

In this regard, the OJK has taken firm action by gradually imposing administrative sanctions on Investree, such as warning sanctions up to Business Activity Restrictions (PKU) before the Business License is revoked.

However, until the specified time limit, the management and shareholders of the loan company were unable to fulfill the provisions and resolve the problem, so Investree was subject to the sanction of revocation of business license in accordance with applicable regulations.

OJK Confirms PKPU Results Do Not Eliminate Crimes

OJK continues to take firm steps and actions against parties deemed to have violated applicable statutory provisions related to Investree’s problems and failures, such as carrying out a Main Party Reassessment (PKPU) on Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi with the result being Failed and subject to sanctions. maximum in the form of a prohibition on becoming the Main Party and/or becoming a Shareholder in the Criminal Services Institution concerned for the Investree management actions.

OJK emphasized that the results of the PKPU do not eliminate responsibility and allegations of criminal acts related to the actions of the Investree management. Then Investree must carry out a law enforcement process related to alleged criminal acts in the Financial Services Sector together with Law Enforcement Officials (APH) for further legal processing in accordance with statutory provisions.

Not to forget, the OJK also blocked the banking accounts of Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties and took other steps against Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties who were deemed to be involved in Investree’s problems and failures.

“Conducting asset tracing of Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties at Financial Services Institutions for further blocking in accordance with statutory provisions. Making efforts to return Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi to the country in accordance with statutory provisions in collaboration with the authorities Law Enforcement,” he added.

Regarding the revocation of the business permit, Investree is required to do several things. These include ceasing all business activities as LPBBTI, except for carrying out matters in accordance with statutory provisions, such as tax obligations. Then prohibit Shareholders, Management, Employees, and/or related parties of Investree from transferring, pledging, pledging, using, obscuring the recording of assets, and/or taking other actions that can reduce or reduce the value of the Company’s assets/wealth, except because and for -matters related to fulfilling obligations to statutory provisions.

Investree must also resolve employee rights in accordance with provisions in the field of employment, rights and obligations to lenders and borrowers. Then the lending company provides clear information to lenders, borrowers and/or other interested parties regarding the mechanism for settling rights and obligations.

“Hold a GMS no later than 30 calendar days from the date of revocation of this business permit to form a Liquidation Team and disband the Investree legal entity,” said Ismail.

Customer Complaints Center on the next page. Just click

Apart from that, providing a customer/community information and complaints center and appointing a person in charge who will be tasked with handling customer/community complaints. Regarding this, customers/public can contact Investree on several channels, such as telephone number: 021-22532535 ​​or Whatsapp number: 087730081631/087821500886, email: [email protected].

Customers can also visit the office at AIA Central Floor 21, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A, RT05/RW04, Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12930.

For your information, Investree has been in the spotlight because there are bad loans at the company. Conditions became worse at the same time that Investree’s Managing Director, Adrian Gunadi, resigned from his position in early 2024.

In detikcom’s notes, quoted from the company’s official TWP90 website, the default rate 90 days from Investree’s due date reached 12.58%.

This means that 12.58% of funds disbursed failed to be paid by customers 90 days after the maturity date. It was recorded that as of January 2 2024, Investree’s total outstanding loans reached IDR 444.69 billion.

Surviving the Loan Jungle: The Collapse of Investree

Jakarta – Well, well! It seems like the digital loan landscape is getting a clean-up, and who could have guessed that the first victim would be PT Investree Radika Jaya (Investree)—the online loan platform that had a bit too much equity in their optimism and not enough in their balance sheets!

In a move that could only be described as “better late than never,” the Financial Services Authority (OJK) decided that Investree wasn’t living up to the standards required of a business. I mean, who could be surprised? When your business license gets revoked for violating provisions that put you in the hot seat for failure to pay—well, that’s a warning sign just flashing “run!” brighter than a disco ball at a Saturday night fever reunion.

The Details, Please!

The decision, formalized in the Decree of the OJK Board of Commissioners Number KEP-53/D.06/2024, emerged from a situation that can only be described as spiraling out of control. Allow me to set the scene: Investree’s minimum equity wasn’t just a little low—it was like showing up to a fancy dress party wearing a potato sack. A real shocker, considering the company was nestled in a posh location at AIA Central, South Jakarta.

Let’s not kid ourselves here, though; the OJK wasn’t pulling the plug on a lottery winning ticket, but instead trying to maintain some semblance of order in the financial services realm. According to Acting Head M. Ismail Riyadi, their job entails creating a “healthy financial services industry.” Ah yes, the elusive “healthy”—like finally finding that kale smoothie you promised yourself you’d finish!

Investree’s Final Curtain Call

While the OJK tried to extend a polite olive branch to Investree by suggesting they fulfill minimum equity obligations and improve performance, it appears the company decided to play the waiting game instead. Clearly, they misinterpreted “timely action” as “let’s wait and see if the problem resolves itself.” Spoiler alert: it didn’t! And here we are, watching the grand spectacle of failure unfold.

The company’s management was given chances—there were warning sanctions, and then **drumroll, please**, Business Activity Restrictions prior to the ultimate license revocation. Sounds like a classic case of ‘you had one job’—but evidently, Investree didn’t get that memo.

You Can’t Escape Criminal Charges!

The cherry on this unfortunate sundae is that OJK not only revoked their license but came in like a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, taking a firm approach against anyone involved in this fiasco. Enter Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi, the Managing Director, and his not-so-grand exit alongside allegations of financial mismanagement. He’s not only been banned from any involvement in related institutions, but it seems his bank accounts are now as accessible as a secret garden—totally blocked!

The OJK even went so far as to asset trace him! That’s right, folks! They treated him less like a businessman and more like a contestant on a game show where the prize is to not end up in prison!

A Lesson in the Loan Game

For our dear Investree, the road ahead means wrapping up business activities (alongside the cliché: “Please don’t let the door hit you on the way out”). They must cease all loan activities except that pesky tax stuff. Yes, taxes are the unavoidable relatives at a family gathering—you can’t dodge them no matter how fast you try to flee!

One of the final brutal tasks they have includes satisfying employee rights and notifying lenders of the closure process. Imagine explaining to them that your company is evaporating like a magician’s rabbit! “Abracadabra, your loans are gone!”

What’s Next?

With a dismal 12.58% default rate lingering like an uninvited ghost, it’s safe to say that Investree’s torch has flickered out. Their total outstanding loans barely hit IDR 444.69 billion, as dodging problems just leads nowhere good. As customers complain in droves, they might as well take a number and stand in line—because it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

So there you have it, folks! The tale of Investree serves as a Cautionary Financial Fairytale. The lesson? If you’re going to play in the loan jungle, make sure you heed the warnings and keep a close eye on the numbers. Otherwise, you might just find yourself as the main character in a tale of mismanagement—with a not-so-happy ending.

If you find yourself in need of financial guidance (or just a shoulder to cry on after this news), remember—there’s always help around the corner. You can contact Investree if you dare, or just steer clear from loan traps that seem too good to be true!

For more information, you can reach out to Investree’s Customer Complaints Center:

Phone: 021-22532535 | Whatsapp: 087730081631/087821500886 | Email: [email protected]

Address: AIA Central Floor 21, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A, RT05/RW04, Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12930.



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