The mystery surrounding the death of a person in Caldas; he sold his apartment before he died

On Sunday, October 20, 2024, the authorities receive the report related to a person without vital signs in an apartment, located in the municipality of Caldas.

Upon arriving at the scene, authorities found Óscar S, 61, with multiple stab wounds to his neck and chest.

The victim, originally from Itagüí and known in the LGTBIQ+ community, lived alone and was frequented by various people.

It was the neighbors who informed the police that they had heard strange noises in the early morning, between 1:00 and 2:00 am, but they did not pay attention thinking that they were simple movements of furniture.

Preliminary information highlights that the deceased sold an apartment, was receiving fees for this property and the delivery was only made when he died.

The community is dismayed, since Óscar was a figure recognized for his activism in favor of LGTBIQ+ rights.

The authorities have opened a formal investigation to clarify the cause of death.

The neighbors, deeply hurt by the loss of Óscar, remembered his charismatic personality and his love for the show, including imitations and performances, of his favorite artist Helenita Vargas.

The community hopes that the homicide will be solved and justice will be done.

Read also: Alias ​​’Ñato’ and ‘La Cruz’ captured at road checkpoints in Mutatá, they belonged to the FARC
More news from Caldas

2024-10-21 21:14:00
#mystery #surrounding #death #person #Caldas #sold #apartment #died



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