formal ban on promoting homosexuality –

The new Gabonese Constitution drawn up following the recommendations of the Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI) convened last April by the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, includes a provision formally prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality in Gabon.

In the final version about to be published in the official journal before the referendum ratifies the next 16th number, article 169 provides that: « cannot be subject to any revision: the republican and decentralized form of the State; the pluralistic character of democracy; the separation of powers; the number of presidential terms; the method of election by direct universal suffrage of the President of the Republic; the definition of marriage as the union between two people of the opposite sex; the number of mandates of members of the Constitutional Court; amnesty for those involved in events from August 29, 2023 to the inauguration of the President of the Transition.”

An intangible provision which could expose the future President of the Republic to dismissal by the National Assembly in the event of a flagrant violation. Revision of this will be considered high treason.

Regarding the conditions of eligibility for the Presidency of the Republic, it is necessary “to be born Gabonese to at least one Gabonese parent, himself born Gabonese; have unique and exclusive Gabonese nationality; be at least 35 years old and no more than 70 years old and be married to a Gabonese born to at least one Gabonese parent, who was himself born Gabonese.”

Conditions relaxed in relation to the content of the constitutional project before amendments by the constituent assembly held from September 12 to 22, 2024. The said draft constitution in its article 53 provided that candidates for the Presidency of the Republic must be born Gabonese of fathers and mothers, themselves born to Gabonese parents.

The same article 43 of the basic law in progress stipulates that one must “have resided in Gabon for at least 3 years without interruption before the presidential election” to be a candidate, “speak at least one national language and enjoy a state complete physical and mental well-being duly certified by a medical college which takes an oath before the Constitutional Court. This medical college is designated by the Bureaux of the two Houses of Parliament.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-10-21 19:08:00
#formal #ban #promoting #homosexuality



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