Fire, Oslo | Several fires in Oslo in a short time. Moved out with large resources: – Very serious – Nettavisen

Oslo Blaze: A Tale of Rubbish and Riots

Well, folks, if you thought your week was heating up, you clearly haven’t been keeping an eye on Oslo! On Monday afternoon, emergency services raced to Thor Olsens gate like kids to a dessert table, responding to a fire that would’ve made even the 19th-century barn stand up and take notice. And quite frankly, it’s not the first time this week that things have been set ablaze – talk about a fiery social life!

Fire: It’s Not Just For Campfires!

Now, this wasn’t just a random Tuesday jog in the forest! Oh no, this was the second time the fire brigade has been called to this precise address in a rather *explosive* fashion. Just 45 minutes prior, rubbish bins—yes, you heard me right, rubbish bins—had been turned into what I assume was an impromptu barbecue. Apparently, the trash was more appetizing than expected!

Pictures from the scene reveal extensive fire damage that could make even a dad joke cringe. Imagine a barn, historically significant and quite probably filled with tales of hay bales and farmers, now sporting extensive fire damage. Talk about a nasty insurance claim!

“It can seem that way. It is obviously very serious, especially with these old buildings. We take this seriously. A fire here can be very challenging and dangerous for the surroundings,” says Operations Leader Arve Røtterud to Nettavisen.

Two Fires, One Criminal?

Now here’s where it gets spicy—Røtterud suggested that the two fires might just be the handiwork of the same rogue pyromaniac. Is this person a firebug or just a really bad artist trying to express themselves? One thing’s for sure, their preferred medium involves traditional trash burning! The police are also trying to piece this puzzle together like a kid trying to fit a square block through a round hole.

The police are currently digging into the evidence—literally! They’re checking for video surveillance like it’s the top-secret mission of the century. A fire in rubbish bins over the weekend? It’s as if someone is starting a very trendy series of “Burning Oslo: The Reality Show.”

No Firefighters Were Hurt—But We Can’t Say the Same for the Bin!

In the midst of all the chaos, we can be grateful that there have been no injuries reported. Kudos to the fire brigade for putting on their superhero capes and quickly gaining control of the scene because if old barns could talk, I’m sure they’d be screaming for help right about now!

So, as this little saga continues, let us all keep our rubbish in order, or it might just end up as the next prime combustion opportunity. Remember, folks: a little tidiness goes a long way in fire prevention, and trust me, even your rubbish deserves a safe space!

Stay tuned for more updates on this burgeoning mystery, and perhaps look out for pyromaniac awareness campaigns. Oslo, we’ve got our eyes on you!

On Monday afternoon, the emergency services responded to a report of a fire in Thor Olsens gate at Fredensborg in Oslo. The fire originated from several pallets that were close to an old barn from the 19th century.

This was the second time in a short time that the emergency services went to the same address. 45 minutes earlier, rubbish bins had been set alight nearby.

Pictures from the scene show extensive fire damage to both buildings and rubbish bins.

Photo: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

Photo: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

The fire brigade moved out with large resources and quickly gained control of the scene, but take the matter very seriously – and link the two fires. This is what project leader Arve Røtterud says to Nettavisen.

He does not rule out that the fires may have been started by the same person.

SERIOUS: Operations leader Arve Røtterud Photo: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

– It can seem that way. It is obviously very serious, especially with these old buildings. We take this seriously. A fire here can be very challenging and dangerous for the surroundings, says Røtterud.

The police are now in the process of carrying out investigations at the scene, including by collecting video material from the area.

Photo: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

– A fire was also reported in some rubbish bins here on Sunday. Do you put that fire in the context of today’s?

– We don’t know that yet, but the fire service informs that they have been to this address at the weekend. So there are several things we have to investigate, says Røtterud.

– Do you have any suspects?

– No, that is why we are now working to secure tracks.

Nettavisen knows that the police are sitting on a video recording of a possible perpetrator in connection with the weekend’s fires.

Photo: Simen Lønning (Nettavisen)

No injuries have been reported.



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