How harmful is excessive use of mobile phones?

Mobile phones are considered as modern technology. While its use has many social benefits, it also has many negative health effects.

Mobile phone plays an important role in eliminating many difficulties in life and making it easier. With the help of mobile phone, not only we stay in touch with our relatives but also with those living abroad, while getting this information. It’s also the best way to do it. However, the harm caused by the use of mobile phones is disturbing.

The health effects of mobile phones can be easily avoided if they are used for short periods of time as needed. But nowadays the unnecessary use of mobile phones has increased to a great extent, especially young people spend a lot of time on mobile phones due to social media.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

If the mobile phone is used excessively, it may face the following disadvantages. These damages can affect health for a long time, even requiring hospital visits to repair these damages.

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Improper use of mobile phones not only affects the eyesight but can also cause sleep problems such as insomnia.

Most of the people use mobile phones before going to sleep at night, due to which sleep comes late and their sleep duration is also reduced. Lack of sleep also weakens the body’s immune system, which increases the risk of many diseases.

Along with this, using mobile also increases the risks of physical fatigue. Therefore, according to medical research, you should avoid using mobile phones for a long time before going to bed at night.

Adverse effects on the skin

Mobile phones also have negative effects on the skin, generally people think that only the eyes are affected due to its use, but this is not true. If it is used more in daily life, the skin also starts to get affected.

According to medical experts, like the rays of the sun, the wavelength of the rays emanating from the mobile phone is short, when these rays fall on the skin, the skin begins to fade and the signs of aging also begin to appear on it. .

Medical research also shows that misuse of mobile phones adversely affects the production and growth of collagen and elastin in the skin and increases the risk of pigmentation. While some medical experts believe that the light emitted from mobile phones affects the skin in the same way as the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun.

Increased risk of depression

People who use mobile phones for a long time are not able to focus on other positive activities, even they do not spend time with their family members and friends, which is very important for mental health.

Teens who use cell phones a lot have a significantly increased risk of depression, anxiety, and depression. Along with this, the risk of many serious mental problems also increases. Youngsters are unable to concentrate on their studies due to misuse of mobile phones, which adversely affects their academic performance.

Pain in body parts

Due to the use of this device, most people sit or lie in the same position for a long time, which increases the risk of pain in the body parts. In addition, the risks of hand, back, and neck pain increase.

According to a study, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, while thumbs and fingers can also suffer from pain and swelling.

Dangers of blindness

As we all know that due to the radiation coming out from the mobile phone, the eyes are affected, but very few people know that the risks of blindness increase due to its use, but these risks are only for children. and grow in youth up to the age of sixteen.

Medical experts from South Korea conducted a study on boys between the ages of seven and sixteen who used mobile phones for four to eight hours each day, when the mobile phones were only twelve inches away from their eyes.

Increase in accident rate

You must have often read or heard the news in the newspaper or television that the cause of such and such an accident was the use of mobile phones. Many young people misuse mobile phones while driving a motorcycle or car, which makes them unable to concentrate on driving, which increases the risk of accidents to an alarming extent.


With the help of mobile phones, when we contact someone and send them a message, we feel happy if we get a quick reply, whereas if someone replies late, we feel disappointed, which is sometimes the case. It also causes anxiety.

Due to the mobile phone, a person becomes obsessed with receiving a message but not responding, which increases the negative reaction, which leads to the deterioration of social relations. .


Due to the use of this device, the rate of obesity among the youth is increasing. According to some research, young people who spend more time on mobile phones have an increased risk of obesity than others, because they have less physical activity and spend more time sitting or lying down.

Access to incorrect information

Due to mobile phones, many people get wrong information and start spreading it without verification, which sometimes creates excitement in the society.

Developing countries like Pakistan have no mechanism to prevent misinformation on mobile phones and social media due to which anyone can spread misinformation easily.

Generally, people seek the answer to the question that how long should a mobile phone be used to avoid these damages, the answer to this question is as follows.

How long should a mobile phone be used for?

According to experts, it should be tried as much as possible to use the mobile phone only when necessary. However, children between the ages of two and five can use a mobile phone for a maximum of one hour, while the maximum duration of mobile phone use for teenagers and adults is two hours.

To get more information on the use and harms of mobile phones, you can contact any medical professional easily using the Healthwire platform, because health Wire has made communication very easy.

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