Internal combustion BMWs will look like Neue Klasse electric cars –

BMW extends the Neue Klasse design language to all future models, not only to electric cars, but also to hybrids and classic cars with a combustion engine. According to Adrian van Hooydonk, head of BMW Group design, all future BMWs, regardless of drivetrain, will share the same modern design. Although the proportions and some details may differ, the overall look and feel will be very similar.

“The great rise of electric cars, their technology and this design language will be reflected in the entire product portfolio, including combustion models. It won’t be complicated for the customer – everyone will have a new modern BMW and will be able to choose the drive,” van Hooydonk simplified in an interview for the magazine Top Gear.

However, each model will have its own character and personality, so don’t expect BMW to start making the same cars in different sizes. The interiors will include high-tech features such as the BMW Panoramic Vision head-up display and recycled materials for an eco-friendly touch.

The BMW X3 is not made of sugar, the factory off-road modification shows


BMW plans to extend this design to the X5 SUV by 2026, which will offer hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric versions. The first production model to carry the new styling will be the electric BMW iX3 in 2025, followed by the Vision Neue Klasse sedan in 2026.

Van Hooydonk promised that the production models will not be far from the concepts. “You know how close the i3 and i8 were to their concepts – that will happen here as well,” he said. According to him, the dimensions and proportions will change a bit, “we exaggerated the width and length a bit in the concepts”, but “the overall clean design is exactly like this”, he added.

All models, which will come to market until 2029, were approved under former design chief Domagoj Dukec before he moved to Rolls-Royce. The new team of designers will be responsible for cars that will not come to the market until around 2030.

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BMW’s New Design Revolution: The Neue Klasse

Well, hold on to your steering wheels, ladies and gentlemen! BMW is making some bold statements about their design philosophy, and let’s be honest here, it’s a bit more ambitious than an accountant billing their mates for a night out! According to Adrian van Hooydonk, the head honcho of BMW Group design, all future BMWs are going to look as fabulous as a catwalk model emerging from a transformative facial… which is to say, they’ll be in the Atua of the ‘Neue Klasse’ design look!

Now, you’re probably wondering, “Is that like a high-fashion line or the latest diet fad?” Fear not, dear reader, because “Neue Klasse” is just BMW’s cool way of saying all their cars, whether electric, hybrid, or gas-guzzling beasts, will share a modern design ethos! It’s all about making you look good while you sip your organic soy latte and navigate the world of eco-friendly motoring. As van Hooydonk puts it, “The great rise of electric cars, their technology and this design language will be reflected in the entire product portfolio…” Wow, it’s like a new-age family reunion where everyone still brings their weird quirkiness to the picnic!

But Wait, There’s More!

Don’t think they’re about to crank out cookie-cutter cars like those Volkswagen Beetles from the ’60s! Oh no, each model will still have its unique character—like how your mates are all different but still share the bond of questionable life choices! And let’s talk about tech—BMW is throwing in high-tech features like the BMW Panoramic Vision head-up display, which sounds tremendously impressive. I mean, who doesn’t want their car to shout directions at them in the tone of an overzealous GPS while half the screen is just “RECYCLABLE MATERIALS”? It’s like the future of driving meets Mother Nature having a dinner party!

A Hint of Off-Roading Madness!

Now, don’t start thinking that the X3, which is apparently “not made of sugar,” isn’t ready for action! BMW is prepping to release the X5 SUV in 2026, and it’ll be available in hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric versions. By the time we’ve eaten our way through 2025, we’ll see the electric iX3 debut—no pressure or anything! And then in 2026, say hello to the Vision Neue Klasse sedan, which will likely look like it stepped out of a futuristic sci-fi movie! While I’m at it, let’s all agree that if cars could talk, this one would probably ask whether you prefer your coffee cold brewed or hot brewed. Just trying to keep it relevant!

And, let’s be real for a second—van Hooydonk did promise that production models will be close to their concepts. He indicates that they might have exaggerated the dimensions a tad during the concept phase! “You know how close the i3 and i8 were to their concepts – that will happen here as well,” he says, which is like telling me my dreams of becoming a rock star are still alive—only if I don’t get stage fright!

Are Combustion Engines on the Way Out?

Now, to switch gears a bit—BMW’s boss is sounding off about the EU possibly loosening its grip on internal combustion engines, or else it might just let China take the wheel! It’s all very dramatic, like an over-the-top soap opera where the fate of combustion engines hangs in the balance. Grab some popcorn, folks, because we might be in for a wild ride!

There you have it, folks—a sharp turn into BMW’s stylish future, where hybrid blends in with electric, and traditional combustion engines are doing their best to keep up. Whether you’re a gas-guzzler or caught in the charging, it seems BMW wants you to join their sleek, modern family! Don’t you just love when the future looks this good?

Stay tuned for more car news—it’s going to be a bumpy but thrilling ride!



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