Return of housing tax? The executive does not close the door

2024-10-21 09:22:00

How can we continue to keep the local economy running with fewer resources? This is the question that local elected officials have been asking since the announcement of a reduction of at least 5 billion euros in their accounts. The rural mayor Bertrand Hauchecorne defends, in a personal capacity, the establishment of a new local municipal tax based on income and linked to equalization. A housing tax which does not say its name and which would be added to the property tax, which only the owners pay.

Housing tax: mayors push for the creation of a new local tax

The minister “open to a debate on local taxation”

Questioned by La Tribune on this subject, the office of the Minister of Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization, Catherine Vautrin, first ensures that “ there is no plan by the minister or the government to create a new local tax.”

However, the one who is number 3 in the Barnier government is also no stranger to the emergence of this idea of ​​a new local tax. Indeed, during the last Local Finance Committee, which was held on October 8, the day before the presentation of the 2025 budget to the Council of Ministers, Catherine Vautrin herself put the subject on the table.

“The minister was open to a debate on local taxation and believes that communities must regain the power to act and better control of their revenue,” confirms the firm to La Tribune.

No more housing tax since January 1, 2023

This is not the first time that such a project has been mentioned. In 2018, Emmanuel Macron had, in fact, announced a reform of local taxation in 2020, but this was swept away by Covid-19.

As a reminder, the housing tax has been abolished for all taxpayers since January 1, 2023, according to the promise of candidate Emmanuel Macron during the 2017 presidential campaign. A gesture towards tenants while owners continue to pay property tax on their main residence, added to a housing tax in the event of owning a secondary residence.