Nicaragua: Germany is involved in the genocide of Gaza, and we may knock on the door of international justice again

Nicaragua – The Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Netherlands, Carlos Jose Arguello Gomez, confirmed that his country may re-file a case with the International Court of Justice against Germany on charges of “involvement in genocide” based on Berlin’s continued supply of weapons to Israel that it uses in its war on the Gaza Strip.

Speaking to Anadolu, Ambassador Gomez said, “What is happening in Palestine is being implemented directly by Israel and the Zionist government, but with the support of many foreign governments.”

He explained that Nicaragua may resubmit a request to the International Court of Justice again, to issue an injunction against Germany’s continued sale of weapons to Israel, which is committing “genocide” in Gaza.

The ambassador continued: “Many governments are helping Israel, providing all kinds of political and economic support and weapons to Israel in genocide, mass killing and destruction.”

On April 30, the International Court of Justice ruled to reject a request submitted by Nicaragua at the beginning of the same month, demanding that it take “urgent precautionary measures” against Germany on charges that the latter violated the 1948 Convention for the Prevention of Genocide, by supplying Israel with weapons that it used in its war in Gaza.

She explained in her decision that she “believes that the circumstances presented to the court are not such and do not require taking precautionary measures.”

With American support, Israel has been waging a genocidal war on Gaza since October 7, 2023, leaving more than 142,000 Palestinians dead and wounded, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing, amid massive destruction and famine that killed dozens of children and the elderly, in one of the… The worst humanitarian disasters in the world.

Tel Aviv continues this war, ignoring the UN Security Council resolution to end it immediately, and the orders of the International Court of Justice to take measures to prevent acts of genocide and improve the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Ambassador Gomez said, “Germany’s request for guarantees from Israel that it will not use weapons in genocide actually means the Berlin government’s admission that Israel is violating international law.”

He added: “Frankly, I felt angry when I read the news. Because could this be serious?!, but yes it happened.”

He continued, denouncing: “How can a country say to a country accused of committing genocide, ‘I will give you the weapon, but promise me that you will not use it to kill anyone?’” This is unbelievable!”

He added: “I don’t know what logic they use. If they are trying to influence the international community, they must think that we do not have brains, because this is unbelievable.” “This is not a matter of international law, it is a matter of common sense and reason.”

It is worth noting that the Nicaraguan government said in a statement on October 11: “Following Parliament’s unanimous decision, all diplomatic relations with Israel have been severed.”

She stressed that “Nicaragua will always remain in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their government, who are being subjected to destruction and barbarism.”

The Nicaraguan ambassador noted that Germany’s request for a guarantee from Israel “shows that it has doubts about whether the weapons sent were used in genocide” in Gaza.

He stressed that the International Court of Justice warned Germany in its decision issued on April 30 of the danger of using weapons sent to Israel in violations of international law.

The ambassador described Berlin’s statement that it was not aware of the situation in Palestine as “unconvincing.”

He added: “I have no doubt that Germany and similar countries know exactly what is happening in Palestine. Even school children know what is happening in Palestine.”

He continued: “Therefore, it is impossible for Berlin not to be aware of what is happening in its relations with Israel militarily, security-wise, and economically.”

He explained that Germany’s claim of not knowing what is happening in Palestine is “mere hypocrisy.”

On Wednesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, in a speech before Parliament, that his country would continue “to provide support with weapons and ammunition to Israel,” despite the war of annihilation it is waging against the Gaza Strip.

German Foreign Ministry spokesman Sebastian Fischer said in a statement on Monday: “We do not see any indications that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza,” as he claimed.

The ambassador stressed that “if Germany continues to supply weapons to Israel, Nicaragua can submit a new request to the International Court of Justice to take new measures.”

He stated, “The court left the door open for Nicaragua (and other countries) to return and demand new measures if arms supplies to Israel continue.”

He added: “If we see any signs of continued arms sales, we will of course go to court again.”

The ambassador stressed that “Germany should not send weapons to Israel to avoid being classified as a country violating international law.”

Germany, which is the second arms exporter to Israel after the United States, has recently increased its sales of weapons and military equipment to Israel, after it repeatedly denied suspending licenses for any new arms exports to Israel.

According to the German News Agency, the Ministry of Economy recently revealed that the value of German weapons that Berlin issued permits to export to Israel during the current year, until October 13, reached 45.74 million euros.

In the report to the ministry, it was once again emphasized that “there is no ban on exporting weapons to Israel.”


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