In images: this is how the global rally for the release of minors detained in Venezuela went

  • The protesters demand that UNICEF, as an international entity, speak out on the situation of teenagers who have been charged with “terrorism” in the country after the presidential elections of July 28.

Venezuelans in several countries held a protest on Sunday, October 20, to ask the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to intercede for minors detained in Venezuela after the presidential elections on July 28.

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Venezuelans in Belgium. Photo: @MundoConVzla

The opposition party Vente Venezuela reported in a press release that the demonstrations took place in the United States, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, the Netherlands, among other nations.

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Photo: @MundoConVzla

“This action seeks to draw the attention of Unicef, urging this international entity, in charge of the protection of children at a global level, to take more forceful measures in defense of the rights of these minors,” the text reads.

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Venezuelans in Belgium. Photo: @MundoConVzla

Vente Venezuela hopes that the institution “demands the immediate release” of the adolescents, some of whom have been charged with crimes such as terrorism, according to information released by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Photo: @MundoConVzla
In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Photo: @MundoConVzla
In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Photo: @MundoConVzla

The NGO Foro Penal estimated in its latest balance, with a cut-off date of October 14, 2024, that there are 68 adolescents deprived of liberty.

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Venezuelans in the Netherlands. Photo: @MundoConVzla

In that sense, the protesters had signs with messages such as “the Maduro regime kidnaps children” or “don’t mess with my children,” as well as toys and photographs of some of the apprehended minors. In addition, some posters urge the government of Nicolás Maduro to “respect” the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Lopnna).

In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Photo: @MundoConVzla
In images: This is how the global rally goes for the release of minors detained in Venezuela
Venezuelans in Israel. Photo: @MundoConVzla

Political situation in Venezuela

As of October 20, the National Electoral Council (CNE) has not published the electoral records that certify the victory of Nicolás Maduro, as indicated by legal regulations. For its part, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) released the electoral records that show that the opponent Edmundo González won by a wide margin, which sparked protests in the country that left at least 1,936 political prisoners and 11 dead, according to Criminal Forum.

Detained teenagers “are pressured” to admit crimes

The NGO Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness (JEP Venezuela) warned on September 27 that the adolescents detained in Valencia, Carabobo state, days after the July 28 elections, are being pressured to admit acts that “they have not committed.”

“We warn that any statement obtained under duress is void of any nullity. It is important to remember that these young people have not had access to trusted defenders to represent them in judicial processes that have clearly violated due process,” the NGO wrote on X (Twitter).

The institution, which monitors and offers attention to cases of human rights violations, demanded from the authorities the full and unconditional freedom of the adolescents. JEP Venezuela also reported that the detainees have been victims of “threats and harassment” and “psychological shocks” that have led them to develop “stress episodes and panic attacks.”

The NGO pointed out that the situation worries their families, which is why they urged the authorities of the justice system to prevent further abuses and violations of the dignity of adolescents.

With information from EFE

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