Dijon: from green to glass! – Dijon Burgundy Tourism & Congress

Welcome to Dijon: A City for Travelers, Foodies, and Eco-Warriors!

Dijon is committed, alongside tourism stakeholders in the metropolis, to the preservation of our shared environments. Welcome to a city where your stay can be lasting, both in your travels and your leisure time… A city which enriches your journey and which thus allows future generations to follow the same path.

All Beautiful, All on Foot

Picture this: you’re wandering through the charming streets of Dijon, with its stunning architecture and a healthy dose of French charm. The best part? Everything is built for walking! That’s right, in a world where a good portion of us struggle to take a walk longer than a few feet—arm stretched, fingers poised, ready to click on that takeaway app—Dijon is here to remind you that life is not just about the food delivery truck. It’s about **discovering**! And nothing says ‘I’m adventurous’ like actually using those legs to explore! A city rich in heritage, Dijon’s winding streets are perfect for wandering, exploring, and cultivating a mild case of nostalgia. Or was that just the wine? Either way, your feet will thank you later.

Eat Well, Eat Healthy

Don’t just stroll past the delectable cuisine Dijon has to offer; indulge! As you ambulate around the city like the intrepid explorer you are, stop and consult the local maps! I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? You could accidentally stumble into yet another delightful restaurant, filled with gastronomical delights that’ll knock your socks off. And let’s be honest, if they’re not knocking your socks off, then what’s the point? So, whether you fancy a classic boeuf bourguignon or a snazzy vegan option (we see you trying to be healthy, aren’t you a fancy one!), Dijon has something for every dietary whim.


Now, before I get too carried away with food (easy to do when you’re thinking about French cuisine), let’s get a tad serious. The Dijon Métropole Tourist Office has been on the front lines of eco-tourism long before it was trendy. They’ve been championing the cause for years, making sure that the folks who live here, visit here, and their beloved habitats all have a stake in preserving this beauty. They’re all about the positive impact, which frankly sounds like what my therapist has been preaching for years—find a balance! If only we could all take a page from Dijon’s eco-friendly playbook. Imagine the world as a beautifully manicured vineyard, everyone working together to get the most out of their shared resources without sipping too heavily from the proverbial wine bottle… Okay, some might still sip too heavily, but at least they’re trying!


Speaking of vineyards, let’s talk wine! Committed winegrowers in the area are opening their doors to you for oenological walks. This isn’t just a chance to sip some fine wine; it’s about learning, understanding, and ultimately becoming a self-proclaimed “wine expert” without needing a degree in viticulture. You can prance through the vines, learn about new practices that’ll make you the star of your next dinner party (or the one who gets all the questions wrong, but let’s focus on success here), and taste the localized grapes at various bars and wine merchants scattered throughout the metropolis. Trust me; you can wine and dine without a care in the world as you bask in the lovely delight that is Dijon. Just remember, balance is key—take a sip for every step, and you’ll do fine!

So there you have it! Dijon is not just a pretty face (though, let’s be honest, a pretty face it is), but a bustling hub for eco-minded travelers, culinary adventurers, and wine enthusiasts alike. So lace up those walking shoes, grab a map, and prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey! Who knows? You might even leave with some new friends—a bottle of wine, or maybe just a wildly inflated ego. Either way, you’ll be glad you came!

Dijon is committed, alongside tourism stakeholders in the metropolis, to the preservation of our shared environments. Welcome to a city where your stay can be lasting, both in your travels and your leisure time… A city which enriches your journey and which thus allows future generations to follow the same path.

All beautiful, all on foot

Dijon is a city rich in heritage that is easy to discover on foot. Many activities will allow you to…

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Eat well, eat healthy

Examine the map When you’re wandering around looking for a restaurant, don’t hesitate to stop and look at the maps….

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The Dijon Métropole Tourist Office has for many years been undertaking actions in favor of tourism with a positive impact for its inhabitants, its visitors and its environment. We are committed to the development of our activity on a balanced basis and a benefit shared by all.


Committed winegrowers open the doors of their estates to you during oenological walks to help you discover new practices in the heart of the vines. You can also taste these wines in the various bars and wine merchants in the metropolis.



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