The States General of Vending 2024 will be held on 6 November in Rome

Vending 5.0: The Meeting to End All Meetings

Well, folks, it’s about time we gathered for a proper chinwag about vending machines! In just a matter of weeks, the States General of Vending is coming to town—specifically, the well-suited walls of ConfCommercio in Roma on Wednesday, 6 November. Yes, that’s right! Get the popcorn ready, because this is the blockbuster event of the season.

Now, some of you may be wondering, “What’s all this fuss about?” Well, this joyous convocation is not just any ordinary meeting; it’s a golden opportunity for the heavyweights of the vending world to sit down with institutional representatives and discuss pressing issues. Our main man, the president of CONFIDA, Massimo Trapletti, will be leading the charge. I can hear the applause echoing already—because who doesn’t love a good chat about, let’s face it, machines that dispense snacks and drinks?

The Theme of the Year: ‘Vending 5.0. Skills Innovation Sustainability

And what a theme it is! “Vending 5.0. Skills Innovation Sustainability.” Quite the trinity of buzzwords, isn’t it? It sounds like a tech startup’s vision statement or perhaps the latest trendy yoga class. But fear not, my friends! This linguistic feast isn’t just hot air. The star trio signifies how sustainable practices, technological innovations, and, best of all, the concept of ‘skills’ are pivotal for the industry’s growth.

Now, you might be thinking, “What on earth does skills have to do with vending?” Well, I can’t wait to find out myself! Perhaps they’re training our future vending machine operators in the ancient arts of snack selection and coin retrieval. Maybe they’ll turn into the next generation of vending machine sommeliers, pairing the perfect fizzy drink with just the right bag of crisps. I mean, if we aren’t applying sommelier-level skills to convenience food, what’s life even about?

The Scoop on Innovation and Sustainability

This year, it appears we’re focusing on bringing something fresh to the table… or rather, to the vending machine. It seems “innovation” and “sustainability” are the two ever-revolving doors, getting a bit of a makeover now that they’ve invited “skills” to the party. It’s a classic game of “What’s my line?” at this point. “Skills”, once again, merely adds the feather boa to an already flamboyant getup.

But let’s not kid ourselves—this meeting could very well carve out a roadmap for the future of vending. Who wouldn’t want their snacks more sustainable? I can already envision my crisps coming from a solar-powered factory, packed by robots that have just graduated from MIT. We’re living in the future, after all!

Behind Closed Doors: A Member-Only Exclusive

As if this wasn’t appetizing enough, the juicy details will be unraveling during a members-only gathering. Fancy that—while we mere mortals are out contemplating the world of personal finance, they’ll be inside sharing tips about how to keep vending machines looking sharp and loaded with organic quinoa snacks. I can almost hear the gasps of delight!

So if you’re in the vending business and haven’t RSVP’d yet, you might want to crawl out from under that rock you’ve been hiding beneath. If you don’t show up, you’ll be that person still slinging a can of cola from a rusty old machine while the rest of the industry zooms past you in their innovation-fueled Ferraris. A touch dramatic? Perhaps—but wouldn’t you rather be part of the vending renaissance than relegated to the junk pile of has-beens?

Conclusion: Snack Time Is Now

So gear up, folks! The States General of Vending isn’t just a meeting; it’s a revolution in the making. Whether it’s innovation, sustainability, or just figuring out the whereabouts of the lost change, we’re in for a treat. Remember, when in doubt, always opt for snacks. Preferably the ones dispensing the future of sustainable vending!

There are just a few weeks left until the long-awaited meeting of the States General of Vending that will be held Wednesday 6 November at the headquarters of ConfCommercio of Via GG Belli a Roma.
For the Sector, the appointment represents an important moment of discussion with the representatives of the institutions on current issuesintroduced by the president of CONFIDA Massimo Trapletti.

The title of this year’s event is “Vending 5.0. Skills Innovation Sustainability” with which it is once again reiterated how sustainable and technological innovation is the driving force for the growth of the Sector and the tool with which to face the challenges of the future. This year, “innovation and sustainability” is added to the oft-repeated “innovation and sustainability”. the concept of “skills”a sign that the sector is increasingly oriented towards the professionalisation of the figures who drive its activity.
The topics will be explored in depth during the meeting reserved for CONFIDA members.

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