A number of students at SMPN 8 Tangsel contracted chickenpox, school "Lockdown" – Post Tangsel

Acting Mayor of South Tangerang, Tabrani. Photo: Ist

CIPUTAT – A number of students at State Junior High School (SMPN) 8 South Tangerang City (Tangsel) have contracted chicken pox. As a result, the learning process in the school environment has now had to be stopped temporarily.

This news was also confirmed by the Acting Mayor of South Tangerang, Tabrani, when he met at the Tangsel City Government Center, Monday (21/10/2024).

Tabrani confirmed that the number of students who contracted chickenpox was 22 children.

“Based on my confirmation to Kadinkes, there are actually only 22 people,” explained Tabrani.

Dozens of these students have now been monitored by the Health Service (Dinkes).

“Through the Community Health Center, treatment and even anticipation have begun so that transmission does not occur. The other thing is more about acute respiratory infections, itching, which perhaps according to the Kadinkes is caused by habitual patterns in living life,” explained Tabrani.

Tabrani said that in order to prevent transmission, schools have now implemented a distance education (PJJ) system.

“To avoid transmission. We will monitor it for the next week. When it is deemed finished, we will return to PJJ as usual. PJJ since yesterday after the case was discovered,” explained Tabrani.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, said Tabrani, his party is also carrying out investigations to reveal the origin of the disease transmission.

“Yes, research is currently being carried out by the Health Service, maybe the results will be reported later,” he concluded.

Chicken Pox Hits South Tangerang: The Quarantine Chronicles

Gather ’round, folks! We’ve got a tale straight out of the comedy of errors that is school life in South Tangerang. Now, imagine this: you send your kiddo off to what you think is a perfectly normal day at State Junior High School (SMPN 8), only to find out they’re coming home with the chicken pox! And not just a few spots—when they say it’s contagious, they really mean it! We’re talking 22 students from the same school dodging lessons and socializing—because who wouldn’t want to miss out on both chicken pox and an education!

The Outbreak—When Life Gives You Lemons

The Acting Mayor of South Tangerang, Tabrani, had to step up to the plate and confirm this rather unfortunate outbreak. Standing tall at the Tangsel City Government Center, Tabrani assured us that he’s got this under control. After all, he’s a busy man and it’s not every day you have to manage a chicken pox epidemic on top of running a city!

According to Tabrani, the Health Service has jumped into action, monitoring these unfortunate students who, let’s be honest, probably just wanted a regular school lunch and some gossip about who got caught passing notes in class. But alas, the universe had other plans.

Health Service to the Rescue!

Now, the Health Service is on a mission that sounds straight out of a medical drama. Tabrani noted, “Through the Community Health Center, treatment and even anticipation have begun so that transmission does not occur.” Sounds serious, right? This is the kind of stuff where you can almost hear the dramatic music playing in the background—think of it as a daytime soap, but with more scratching!

But wait, there’s more! In the world of education, schools have swiftly adopted a distance education (PJJ) system to avoid further transmission. Kids now have to learn from home. I guess that means less time to pretend to be sick for the next Fortnite tournament. Kids, eh? They can be crafty when it comes to avoiding schoolwork!

Investigation Mode: Engage!

And what of the mysterious origins of this outbreak? Tabrani has assured us that investigations are underway. This is where it gets really interesting: imagine a room full of health officials, armed with clipboards and pens, scrutinizing student attendance sheets like they’re evidence in a murder mystery. “Who brought the chicken pox to the party? Was it Jimmy in math class or Susie during lunchtime?”

As they dig deep into the origins, we can only hope it leads to some fun revelations, or at least a warning for the next student to bring a packed lunch—the soup of secrets, as it were.

Conclusion: A Lesson in Contagion

To wrap this up nicely, it’s clear that chicken pox is no laughing matter, even though it feels like we’ve entered a B-grade flick about school illnesses. The swift actions taken by Tabrani and the Health Service are commendable. Remember, though, only you can prevent chicken pox forests of itchy skin and missed classes! And who knows, this little epidemic may lead to the birth of a new school motto: “Stay clean, stay mean, and don’t catch the chicken pox!”



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