Horrorthon lives: Ireland's deadly fright fest returns to the IFI – RTÉ News

Horrorthon Lives: Ireland‘s Deadly Fright Fest Returns to the IFI

By Your New Favorite Comedic Commentator

Ah, the Horrorthon! That glorious festival where Ireland collectively decides that a bit of fear-induced adrenaline is precisely what we need. Forget guinness and the lush green hills for a second; this is your ticket to a different kind of lush—one that flows abundantly with screams, shadows, and probably some questionable snacks. Because nothing says “horror” like a half-eaten bag of popcorn dripping in some sort of mystery butter! Yum!

This seasonal event, held at the Irish Film Institute (IFI) in Dublin, is a rather spine-tingling celebration of all things horror. And let’s be honest, isn’t that something we all need? In a world where the news can be downright terrifying, what could be better than watching fictional horror unfold on the screen instead? It’s like saying, “Well sure, my life’s a dumpster fire, but at least I’m not getting chased by a chainsaw-wielding maniac!”

For those uninitiated in the horrors of Horrorthon, let me break it down: picture a room filled with like-minded individuals who are part-time masochists. Or as I lovingly refer to them, “enthusiasts.” Here, you’ll find a bewitching blend of cult classics and tantalizing new films guaranteed to make your skin crawl or, at the very least, inspire an unexpected trip to the snack bar. And who knows? Maybe a random old fella will try to sell you some dubious memorabilia—fear aside, at least you’ve got a story for the grandkids.

Features of the Fest

The theme this year seems to heavily revolve around psychologically gripping films, which—if we’re being honest—hit a little too close to home. I mean, why watch ghosts rattle chains when I can revisit my old bank statements instead? There’s something horrifying about the idea that someone might discover just how deeply entrenched I am in my Amazon Prime subscription.

Each screening is a jackpot of cinematic treasures waiting to be unearthed. Whether you’re a connoisseur of slasher flicks, a haunted house enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys a good scare, the lineup will not only elevate your heart rate but will also solve any lingering existential dread. Because if Jason can’t find love, then should I really be worried about my Tinder dates?

Supporting Local Talent

One of the festival’s finer points is its dedication to showcasing local filmmakers, proving that Ireland isn’t just about sheep and shepherds. It seems the land also cradles some genuinely terrifying artistic talents who are seizing this opportunity to creep under your skin. And let’s be frank, where else will you see a film that combines marriage proposals with malevolent spirits—talk about commitment issues!

The Atmosphere

Dark lighting, thrilling scores, and that oh-so-charming smell of popcorn mingled with the palpable tension in the air create an atmosphere that’s almost tangible. It’s as if the very walls of the IFI decide to play a little game themselves, whispering reminders that hiding behind the couch, while somewhat of a time-honored tradition, is a risky move if you’re not prepared for a jump scare. The only problem is, once the credits roll and the lights flicker back on, it’s hard to distinguish whether you’re scared or just hopping excitedly for the next snack break.


This season, the Horrorthon not only beckons you to indulge your fears but also reminds you of the camaraderie built on shared screeches and laughter—yes, even the nervous kind. So, gather your bravest friends, grab those overpriced tickets and snacks, and prepare for a festival that promises to deliver both delight and fright. Just don’t be the person who yells “What’s that behind you?” halfway through; you’ll ruin it for everyone else!

As I sign off, remember: embrace the fear. After all, life’s too short not to be terrified once in a while. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my cape—Super Horror Fan is about to make an appearance!

Read more about the Horrorthon festival here!



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