The Grand barathon of Grenoble is debated after the 9 m fall. of a 19 year old young man

Grenoble‘s Grand Barathon: A Recipe for Disaster?

Ah, Grenoble! A marvelous city known for its stunning views and… grand misadventures. This past weekend, a 19-year-old lad thought it wise to test the laws of gravity after a night out at the Grand Barathon. Let’s just say his relationship with alcohol came crashing down—literally. He managed to fall nine meters from an apartment window, equivalent to three floors. You know, some people climb mountains, others drop out of windows. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose!

Now, before you ask—yes, he was heavily intoxicated. The Grand Barathon, that delightful little pub crawl where drinks come at reduced prices, turned out to be less of a grand adventure and more of a perilous expedition for one young man. It’s not every day that the phrase “going out for a drink” ends with an ambulance ride! After being rescued by firefighters, he’s now multiple traumatized but—thank God—his life isn’t in danger. Just a minor detail: you don’t need a parachute when you’ve got a bottle in hand!

“We Must Be Vigilant” – Carried from the Bar to the Balcony

The organizers of this annual event, which is kind enough to tour the lively towns in the south of France, seem to be brushing the dust off their dance cards for more. Just next month, in Montpellier, they expect a whopping 6,000 participants to join in the fun. That’s 6,000 brave souls ready to embrace the art of responsible drinking… or not!

“The goal is to introduce establishments.”

Ah yes, each bar offering ‘specially priced’ drinks like they’re giving away free candy on Halloween. The bar owners assure us they have safety measures in place—emergency numbers and people to care for you, just in case your ‘introduction’ doesn’t end at a barstool but rather at a first-floor balcony. But it appears that the bartenders’ eyes aren’t the only set watching out for the safety of their customers. While accidents can indeed happen, there’s a clever little saying that says if you can’t handle the heat, don’t climb over the railing of your posh pad!

“It Encourages You to Drink More and More”

On the flip side, we hear from those on the sober spectrum. Doctor Bernard Basset, president of Addictions France, did voice some honest concerns about the dangers of these rapid-fire drinking events. Let’s write a round of applause for common sense!

“It’s emulation between young people, it encourages people to drink more and more with the consequences that we can see.”

Oh, you don’t say, Doctor! Is it really any surprise that when you mix cheap drinks with youthful exuberance, you might end up with a cocktail of chaos? But hey, why stop the party for a little thing called ‘public health’ when, in reality, it’s just a splendid excuse to have another drink? It does raise an important question: when does introducing teens to fine establishments go from a stunning soirée to a wild night out with a side of broken bones?

In summary, while we toast to the tenacity of youth, let’s reel it in folks! Maybe it’s time to draft a few more safety precautions or, dare I say, rethink what “fun” truly means. Because nothing says ‘night out’ quite like facing the consequences of miscalculated decisions from three floors up!

In the grand scheme of things, let’s all just keep our feet on the ground and our drinks in hand. Cheers to safety and some good old-fashioned fun!

A 19-year-old boy was seriously injured this weekend in Grenoble after falling nine meters from a height. Heavily alcoholic, he participated in the city’s Grand Barathon, an event denounced by associations.

It was this weekend in Grenoble that a 19-year-old boy was seriously injured after throwing himself out of a window. He was in an apartment in the evening when he climbed over the balcony railing and fell nine meters high, the equivalent of three floors. Heavily alcoholic, he had spent the evening at an event: the Grand barathon de Grenoble, a tour of bars in the city center which offer drinks at reduced prices.

Rescued by firefighters, the man was hospitalized in serious condition. He is multiple traumatized but his life is not in danger. An investigation was opened by the prosecution to shed light on this accident.

“We must be vigilant”

The Grand Barathon takes place every year in several towns in the south of France. It is organized in Montpellier on November 7, 8 and 9, in 25 bars and 4 night clubs, according to the organizers, who hope for 6,000 participants.

For 3 days, at the end of November, the Shoot Bar will participate in the Grand Barathon de Lyon.

The goal is to introduce establishments.”

According to Garegin, the bar’s owner, measures have been put in place by the organizers to guarantee the safety of consumers. “The emergency number to call, the points where they can find people who will take care of them,” he explains.

Without counting on the experience of the bartenders. According to him, tragedies, like in Grenoble, can happen every day. “Accidents can happen at any time, but that doesn’t mean it’s just the fault of such an organization, of such an event. In all cases, we must be vigilant.”

“It encourages you to drink more and more”

But for some associations fighting against addiction, these events only encourage rapid and excessive consumption of alcohol. Doctor Bernard Basset, president of Addictions France, notes this: “We have protested on several occasions against these demonstrations, which are not very good for public health but also quite dangerous.”

It’s emulation between young people, it encourages people to drink more and more with the consequences that we can see. This type of event will probably have to be banned,” concludes the doctor.

A task which falls, according to him, to the prefects and mayors of the cities concerned.

SG with Vincent Chevalier with AFP



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