Hot Pilates, the 38° workout that makes you sweat, calms and tones | Vogue Italia

Hot Pilates: Benefits and Results of Training Heated to 38 Degrees

Welcome to the sweaty world of Hot Pilates, where the air is as thick as a teenage girl’s diary entry, and the sweat is as plentiful as your last night out in Milan! Yes, folks, here in the deep, humid trenches of heated workouts, they claim only the strong will survive. Or, at the very least, the persistently optimistic! “At the end of the world, only girls do hot pilates they will resist.” Think of it as the ultimate training ground for the end times—when the apocalypse hits, you’ll need a good core, right?

It all started with a TikTok, as all great stories do these days. It’s the modern equivalent of the Oracle from Delphi. I saw a vision—this girl dripping with sweat, making abs a thing of beauty rather than a chore. Funny how the algorithm knows us so well. I mean, I probably do need to tone my body just to justify all the pasta I devour… But that’s beside the point. As I dove deeper into the TikTok rabbit hole, I learned about the wonders of heated workouts, all sizzling at a toasty 38 degrees. Great! Just what I needed—an opportunity to overheat in public.

The Quest for Hot Pilates

So, imagine me, a sweaty pilgrim on a quest for enlightenment (or at the very least, a decent set of abs) in Milan, the city known for fashion, design, and apparently, extreme sweating. Most of the high-temperature Pilates studios are dotted across the US—Los Angeles, New York, and Toronto are leading the charge, while I’m here, battling it out with a time zone; and don’t get me started on the calories from that last cannoli! But fear not! I found HY SWEAT Studio, a haven for the hot and the brave—a cozy studio perfect for those intimate battles against gravity. Because frankly, if I’m going to sweat like a fountain, I’d rather do it with a handful of comrades than a stadium full of Supermen.

Getting Down to Business

I signed up for my first class. The heat was something else. Imagine a sauna on steroids while people toss their bodies around like ragdolls. I expected to resemble a soggy biscuit by the end, and boy, did I deliver! But post-class, there’s a glorious moment of clarity that washes over you like the sweat you just expelled. “Is this what they meant by cleansing?” I thought. Did I just detoxify more than a Kardashian on a juice cleanse? It might not make me Instagram-worthy just yet, but my mood genuinely skyrocketed! It’s almost like the sweat was washing away my existential dread. Who knew perspiration was the key to happiness?

Hot Pilates: What It Is and What Are Its Benefits

So, what’s the deal with Hot Pilates? It’s a spicy blend of traditional Pilates moves, cranked up with some Infrared wizardry. You gather all your weights, resistance bands, and the odd pilates ring and you exercise in a studio where the temperature hovers between 35 and 38 degrees. Think of it as yoga’s bolder sibling—takes the same family tree but cuts all the carbs! More sweat means more toxins hitting the exit ramp, making our bodies feel like pristine Teslas, streaming “clean energy” all around.

As with any good workout, this isn’t just about moving your limbs; it’s a total brain replenisher as well! “Completing low-impact activities like this helps improve flexibility, balance, and not to mention those elusive abdominals,” explains Alexis Colvin, orthopedic surgeon at Mount Sinai. And let’s face it, most of our New Year’s resolutions probably revolve around wanting to be able to see our own toes again.

Final Thoughts: The Heat Is On!

So whether you’re looking to burn through your existential crisis, expel some toxins, or attempt to look half-decent in that midriff-baring outfit you bought “just in case,” Hot Pilates might just be the answer! And let’s be honest, if you can survive a 50-minute class, you can probably survive anything—like that awkward encounter with your ex or a family reunion during the holidays. Just remember, keep a towel handy and a great attitude. Because if you aren’t sweating, are you really even trying?

Remember: Do it for the hot girl on TikTok. You can always unfollow if it doesn’t work out—but the abs? Those are forever… or at least until the next pizza delivery arrives.

Hot Pilates: benefits and results of training heated to 38 degrees. There girl therapy in the times of TikTok which comes from yoga disciplines, dries the body, expels toxins and centers the mind.

As all the best stories now begin, one evening, on TikTok, the algorithm presented me with a video that changed the course of my autumn. “At the end of the world, only girls do hot pilates they will resist” read the caption of a video starring a girl dripping with sweat but with a smile on her face that filled the screen and almost made her sculpted abs and toned arms overshadow. Putting aside the fact that the algorithm understood better than me that the more potentially difficult things are the more I like them – and that I am probably a victim of pilates body trendbut we’ll talk about that another time – I started looking for where I could do it in Milan. Most Hot Pilates studios are mainly based in Los Angeles, New York and Toronto, where the wave of heated workouts has taken hold thanks to established realities such as Pilates Inferno by Gabriella Walters and Fuze Pilates. Then, I discovered HY SWEAT Studiothe only small and well-kept hot pilates and hot yoga studio in Milan that offers intimate classes for up to 6 people. Out of curiosity, I signed up for the first lesson, not scared of training at 38° even though I’ve always hated sweat. The first time I was really dripping, I expected it, but the post-workout feeling was so good that I started attending classes at least once a week for a month and a half. Now, I won’t be as sculpted as the girl in the video who inspired me to start the adventure, but I’ve seen decent results on my abdomen, mobility and above all on my mood. I’ll tell you why.

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Hot Pilates: what it is and what are its benefits. Warmth and concentration make the difference

Hot Pilates is a form of Pilates that takes place in an infrared heated studio. Temperatures during classes are typically between 35 and 38 degrees. The workout lasts 50 minutes and mixes traditional and contemporary Pilates movements using objects such as weights, resistance bands and pilates rings on a mat. “In addition to being a low-impact activity that helps improve flexibility, balance and abdominal strength, it also has mental benefits,” Alexis Colvin, professor of orthopedic surgery at Mount Sinai, explains to Vogue US. Indeed, the benefits of hot pilates lie in training in an unusual condition: the heat. Thanks to infrared lamp technology that illuminate and warm the study, the body sweats more and expels more toxins, purifying the body.

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