Roofer war: another explosion at a roofer in Den Bosch – Omroep Brabant

Explosions in Den Bosch: A Roofer’s War Zone!

Ah, Den Bosch! A lovely city known for its charming canals and pies… and now, apparently, for its explosive roofing disputes! That’s right, folks, we’re back at it with another round of bang-bang at the bus stop — “just what every roofer needs,” they said. A loud night went off just after half past seven when heavy fireworks decided to add some excitement to an otherwise mundane evening spent watching paint dry. Or was that a roof dry? I forget! The police confirmed that it was indeed a blast from an explosive device, mercilessly damaging a poor roofer’s van parked innocently near a bus on the Schaarhuispad. Thank goodness the damage was minor—just a bumper off the bus! At this rate, the only thing that won’t be flying off the roof is the roof itself!

This latest explosion marks the seventeenth in a spree that’s got stinkier than a mouldy toolbox in just four months. I mean, can we agree that a “roofing war” sounds just a tad too dramatic for our humble roofing friends? I half expect a reality TV show to pop up, with roofers throwing fireworks like confetti at a wedding! If you ever thought the most dangerous part of being a roofer was slipping off a ladder, it turns out it’s dodging explosives instead. Wouldn’t it be more effective to just settle their differences over a couple of pints instead? “Sorry, mate, I’ll just blow off your bumper instead of your ceiling tile.” Talking about a heavy-handed negotiation strategy!

Explosive Developments

Once again, local police have had their hands full. Officers are going around chatting to the van’s owner and residents. You know, “Excuse me, sir? Did you see anyone suspicious… carrying a rocket launcher?” The community seems a tad frazzled, as they proclaim to have heard a loud bang! Shocking, I know! If I heard a bang like that, my reaction would involve ducking for cover or at least a strong cup of coffee to calm the nerves—sugar with that, anyone?

Now, what on earth are forensic experts looking for? My guess is they’re combing through bits of smashed bumper for clues, while at the same time trying not to mix up their markers with a rogue firework! Meanwhile, good ol’ Ali—the roofing guru of Den Bosch—has decided to step forward and speak up about the “roofing wars.” I can’t wait for his TED Talk: “How to Battle Rivals with Fireworks: Lessons from a Roofer.” I’m sure attendance will go through the roof!

A Call for Help

The police are also doing their best Sherlock Holmes impressions, asking for camera footage from doorbell cameras. “Hey folks, if you see anything suspicious or hear a major kaboom, do give us a shout—after you finish your tea, of course!” Of course, the cops are trying their best to get to the root of this explosive dilemma, though it must be difficult trying to corral the locals who would rather talk about football than the next latest explosive! “Did you see the match? What about that roof that got blown up, eh?”

Concluding Thoughts

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Den Bosch has turned from a beautiful city cloaked in medieval charm into a chaotic backdrop for a cabal of rogue roofers waging war with fireworks—as if they were battling in the tournament of ‘Who Has the Better Roofing Company.’ Let’s hope they get their act together quickly, or we might have to start offering roofing insurance under the “exploding vans” clause. They’d do well to remember: a roof gives you shelter from the storm, not a bang for your buck! Until next time, stay safe, and remember – you don’t need to blow up your competition; just stick to roof tiles!

Once again an explosive has gone off at a roofer in Den Bosch. A roofer’s van was damaged by an explosive device that went off near his bus on Sunday evening, police said. The bus was parked on the Schaarhuispad.

The explosion sounded just after half past seven. According to the police, these were heavy fireworks that exploded near the bus. Officers are talking to the owner of the van and local residents.

The damage seems to be minor, part of the bumper of the bus is missing. The police have cordoned off the street and a police explosives scout is on site. Local residents say they heard a loud bang. Forensic investigation carries out trace investigations.

Seventeenth explosion
This is already the seventeenth explosion in Den Bosch in four months. Four of those explosions happened last week. According to several insiders, a roofing war is raging in Den Bosch. The police previously confirmed after reports from Omroep Brabant that roofers are mainly the targets of the explosions.

Last night an explosive went off at a house on Amsterdamstraat. An explosive device also went off at the same house on October 10.

READ ALSO: Another explosion in Den Bosch, also hit the same house a week earlier

The police also see that the frequency of explosions has increased in the last week. “We are trying to get a handle on it, but it is a difficult story. People who want to say something must come forward. This can also be done anonymously.”

She calls on people to share any camera images from, for example, doorbell cameras with them. “Any information that can put us on the trail of a suspect is very welcome,” the police said.

Roofer Ali previously told his story to Omroep Brabant. He explains what is going on among roofers:



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