Six-way print head changes filament in 0.2 seconds

2024-10-18 22:11:00

Reichenbacher Hamuel and Multec have presented their jointly developed industrial large format FFF printer, the M1000. Unique to this 3D printer with Siemens Sinumerik control and a construction volume of 1 cubic meter is the six-fold print head. This allows you to change filament extremely quickly.

Reichenbacher Hamuel is a German machine builder, originally mainly active in the wood industry, who built the first hybrid AM system for metal more than ten years ago. This was intended for welding and milling damaged turbine blades in one machine. Nowadays, in addition to this hybrid AM system, it also builds a laser powder bed metal printer (the AMS 400 and AMS 800) and a hybrid pellet 3D printer with CNC milling head for other applications. The group also builds aluminum milling machines.

Management must recognize that AM is the future

Transformative technology

The company sees 3D printing as a ‘transformative technology’, it put it Alexander Kawalla-Namhead of AM Technology, attended the factory during the 4th Expertentreff, this time completely dedicated to additive manufacturing. This allows you to create new, innovative products, provides access to new markets, increases competitiveness and customer satisfaction. The first condition is that management must recognize that AM is the future. “And then management must take measures to realize the transformation.” Reichenbacher collaborates with other parties in the development of the AM systems, such as Siemens and Multec as well as Evonik.

Six hot ends in Multec print head

The big news during the 4th Expertentreff was the launch of the M1000. Multec, which invented the six-way print head for the M1000, has always envisioned that the 3D printer should be able to print 24/7, with as few interruptions as possible. “The lower the hourly price,” says Manuel Tosché, director of Multec. Crucial for this is that you can quickly change print heads and that you can preferably print with different nozzle sizes. In the M1000 this is solved with Multec’s patented print head, in which six hot ends are integrated. Manuel Tosché sees this as a kind of tool changer from a CNC milling machine. The change time between two rolls of filament is 0.2 seconds.

Measure volume flow in hot end

To avoid malfunctions, the system measures the volume flow in the hot end. If a fault is detected in one of the hot ends, it automatically switches to another one with the same filament. Tosché: “By avoiding downtime you prevent the product from becoming two to three times more expensive.” According to him, the net print time that the slicer calculates for the M1000 is approximately equal to the gross print time. The six extruders can also be used for different materials in one workpiece.

Multiple nozzle sizes in one printhead

Because the print head of the M1000 contains six hot ends, each with their own nozzle, you can 3D print with different nozzle sizes in one workpiece. Because according to Multec the maximum size for filament is 3 mm, this is also the largest in the head. This allows you to print up to 300 grams of material per hour. Because an industrial control is used. Siemens Sinumerik, the M1000 has advanced strategies. This way you can easily switch between 3D printing with a larger nozzle for parts of the product where the surface finish is less important and a small nozzle for detailing. Manuel Tosché calls the multiple print head the central heart of the machine, which fully complies with CE guidelines. “Which is not yet a standard in this sector.”

Demonstration during Formnext

Lots in Reichenbacher will demonstrate the M1000 during the upcoming edition of Formnext. The maximum temperature of the build chamber is 300 degrees, that of the print bed 250 degrees and that of the nozzle 400 degrees. One of the options that the companies are still investigating is whether it is possible to replace one of the six filament extruders with a pellet extruder to increase the printing volume even further. In principle, however, people stick to filament because it ensures good surface quality. In addition, Hamuel Reichenbacher has a pellet 3D printer with an integrated milling head with the XT.

Benelux market

Reichenbacher Hamuel has since been represented in the Netherlands and Belgium. Glenn Heijmans was appointed sales manager for the Benelux a few months ago.

#Sixway #print #filament #seconds



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