his lawyer speaks and affirms that his client “has nothing to reproach himself for”

Kylian Mbappé: Media Storm and Legal Drama

Kylian Mbappé is currently living through a media whirlwind that even the most seasoned footballers would struggle to navigate. Highlighted by an ominous investigation in the land of Ikea and ABBA, his name has been dragged into a sensational rape inquiry that has set off alarm bells both in Stockholm and globally. That’s right folks, it seems the football pitch has been replaced by a courtroom drama!

The Reaction

Now, Mbappé himself is reportedly “stunned”—and frankly, who wouldn’t be?—to find himself in the middle of this tabloid frenzy. His lawyer, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, assured the world on live TV that he is “serene” because, wait for it, “he has nothing to reproach himself for.” A classic lawyer move: when in doubt, claim your client’s innocence! It’s like saying a chicken never crosses the road to get to the other side of an egg scandal!

The Legal Speak

In an interesting twist, the Swedish Public Prosecutor’s Office is playing it coy. They’ve confirmed investigations are underway but refused to name names. It’s like those mysterious people you see in movies who always wear sunglasses and whisper. You know something’s going down, but clarity? Not so much!

Play by Play: Who’s Who in the Mbappé Scandal

Let’s unpack this—while local Swedish rags are spouting accusations, Mbappé’s camp is adamant he wasn’t even flying solo during his visit to Stockholm. According to his lawyer, he was “never alone,” leading us to wonder if they’re suggesting he travels with an entourage, personal security, and a Swiss Army knife for good measure. Talk about preparation!

The Fake News Factor

And just when we thought we’d plumbed the depths of this situation, Mbappé himself took to social media, branding the whole thing a “fake news” fiasco! Ah yes, the classic denial—like a player blaming the referee for a poor pass; we’ve all seen it before. But understandably, in today’s world, where you can go from football sensation to front-page villain in the blink of an eye, one can’t help but feel for the guy.

What’s Next?

Now, add to the mix a complaint for slanderous denunciation being filed against those very newspapers, and you’ve got a recipe for a courtroom showdown worthy of Netflix. How about we call it “Kylian: A Legal Strategy”? You know, just to spice things up a bit!

Meanwhile, the scuttlebutt continues, especially with the looming appeal with PSG over his unpaid wages. It’s like a never-ending saga: every game has its star player, but every drama needs its twists, right?

The Final Whistle

So, as we stand on the edge of this sensational saga, let’s not forget that Mbappé is more than just a headline. He’s a living, breathing human (who wants his paycheck) caught in a storm he seemingly never asked for. And while everyone scrambles for gossip and gossip leads, let’s hope the truth prevails, with a sprinkle of justice, a dash of reason, and perhaps a side order of humor because if we cannot laugh at the absurdity of life, what’s the point?

One thing’s certain: this media storm is poised to make quite the splash—and not just on the football field!

Cyrille de la Morinerie / Photo credits: FRANCK FIFE / AFP 7:37 a.m., October 16, 2024

Kylian Mbappé is “stunned” to see his name cited by the media in connection with a rape investigation opened in Stockholm, but he is “serene” because “he has nothing to reproach himself for”, declared Tuesday the lawyer of the captain of the French team, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard.

It is a media storm that Kylian Mbappé must face. Since Tuesday, his name has been written in full on all Swedish newspapers and around the world. The attacker would be the target of an investigation for rape according to several media in the country after his trip to Stockholm last week. The Swedish Public Prosecutor’s Office, which confirms the start of legal investigations, is much more cautious and does not name any names. For the first time since the start of this case, Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer speaks.

“He is never alone”

After Kylian Mbappé who mentioned on social networks a “fake news” and those close to him who denounced a new slanderous rumor via a press release, this time it is the player’s lawyer who speaks at the heart of this media and legal storm. Questioned Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. on TF1 but also by AFP, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard does not know if the rape investigation targets the Real Madrid striker “We read the press. The Stockholm public prosecutor’s office issued a press release but it does not allow us to know whether it is Kylian Mbappé who is targeted. I therefore have no information allowing me to confirm whether this is indeed a complaint filed against him,” explained Me Canu-Bernard.

For the player’s lawyer, the information from certain Swedish newspapers is completely false, because Kylian Mbappé was always accompanied during this trip to Sweden. “He is never alone, he is never exposed to finding himself in a situation where there would be a risk for him,” she added.

Kylian Mbappé is “stunned by this media excitement”, says his lawyer

Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard was able to speak with his client on Tuesday afternoon and affirmed in TF1’s 8 p.m. that Kylian Mbappé is not disturbed by this affair. “He is particularly serene. On the other hand, he is totally stunned to see this media excitement and does not understand at all what can be blamed on him in any way,” she assured, announcing the filing of a complaint for slanderous denunciation.

Furthermore, at the end of the hearing before the joint appeals committee of the Professional Football League concerning the unpaid salaries and other bonuses claimed by Kylian Mbappé, the decision will be known on Friday October 25. At first instance, PSG was ordered by the League to pay its former star the sums claimed but appealed this decision.



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