Russia attacked Krivoy Rog with ballistics: three injured, infrastructure damaged – Ukrainian Pravda

Krivoy Rog: What Happened and Why We Should Care

Well, folks, let’s talk about Krivoy Rog. It seems like over the weekend, this otherwise tranquil town turned into a scene straight out of a bad action movie – and not the good kind, mind you! On Sunday evening, residents got a rude awakening when missiles decided to drop by uninvited, leaving behind a bit of chaos as they typically do.

What Went Down?

According to reports from Chairman Sergey Lysak of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, civilians were injured, infrastructure damaged, and no one really asked for this kind of weekend drama. Imagine being on your couch, popcorn in hand, watching the latest blockbuster while a missile flies by – talk about a plot twist!

It was a lovely evening, just around 11:30 PM when Mr. Lysak announced the unfortunate news: “Hey folks, we’ve got a missile attack!” I mean, who doesn’t love a bit of excitement at that hour? Three folks ended up injured, and well, let’s just say they won’t be winning “Best Dressed” anytime soon as they’re off receiving medical care.

The Big Picture

Our friend Alexander Vilkul, head of the Defense Council, chimed in as well, noting the “extensive damage” to homes and businesses. Because who doesn’t love throwing in a little property damage to spice things up? He added that oh-so-charming Russians were using ballistics – because apparently, their idea of “making an entrance” is a little… explosive.

In total, it seems the calamity of the evening left three injuries, with two individuals hospitalized. Thankfully, their conditions are described as moderate and, let’s be honest, when it comes to missile strikes, “not in danger” is about as good as it gets, right?

Rescue and Recovery

Emergency services rushed in faster than a cat on a hot tin roof! They were on-site handling the rescue operations, medical aid, and utility services – essentially, the town’s version of the Avengers assembling, but with less spandex and more utility trucks. A headquarters for helping residents has been set up in front of the Central PC (that’s Personal Computer, not Political Correctness, see?) on Roman Shukhevych Street.

As destruction unfolded, rescue teams were reportedly piling in supplies like construction materials, all in an effort to help locals rebuild. And really, how commendable is that? Who knew “home improvement” could become a community rallying cry, albeit under such grim circumstances?

The Days Leading Up

And as if Sunday’s missile melodrama wasn’t enough, it seems the Russians had a bit of a warm-up act on Saturday as well, striking Krivoy Rog and leaving 17 people injured. At this rate, the town may have to consider a “Missile Defense Day” for their calendars – because nothing says self-care like dodging explosives on a relaxing Saturday night.

Conclusion: Why This Matters to Us

So, dear reader, as we wrap up this tragic tale exaggerated by a dash of dark humor, it raises a serious question: Why should we care? Krivoy Rog is not just a distant place on the map. The impacts of such conflicts ripple beyond borders. Whether it’s the civilians affected or the global implications of military strikes, this isn’t just someone else’s problem. It’s a reminder that while we’re binge-watching shows and living our day-to-day, the world is a complex place where not every evening can end with a happy ending – sometimes they come complete with missiles.

Let’s keep our eyes on what matters and support those caught in the crossfire, sometimes literally. Because in the end, while we may joke about it, the reality is less funny and deserves our compassion and attention.

Krivoy Rog, deepstatemap

As a result of the attack on Krivoy Rog on Sunday evening, civilian infrastructure was damaged by ballistics and three people were injured.

Source: Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration Sergey LysakChairman of the Defense Council of Krivoy Rog Alexander Vilkul

Details: At 23:30 Lysak reported a missile attack on Krivoy Rog.


“There is damage to civilian infrastructure. We are clarifying the details,” he wrote.

Vilkul clarified that the Russians used ballistics and warned about the possibility of repeated launches.

Lysak later reported that a man was injured as a result of the attack on Krivoy Rog and was receiving medical assistance.

Vilkul added that as a result of the strike, “there was a lot of damage to homes and businesses.” All rescue, medical and utility services are on site.

Added: Vilkul reported that the number of victims in Krivoy Rog had increased to three people. Two of them were hospitalized, their condition is moderate and their lives are not in danger.

According to him, the city’s civil infrastructure and an area of ​​very dense multi-storey buildings were damaged. There is a lot of damage to homes and businesses.

All rescue, medical and utility services are on site.

The headquarters for helping people is being deployed in front of the Central PC, st. Roman Shukhevych 19. Construction materials are already being shipped from the material reserve.

What preceded: On Saturday evening, Russian troops carried out ballistic strikes on Krivoy Rog.

17 people were injured.



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