the draft constitution will perhaps be published in 24 hours after the Constitutional Court –

The draft constitution adopted Thursday by the Council of Ministers was sent to the Constitutional Court for opinion and verification of compliance with all legal provisions before its publication, announced Sunday evening the Secretary General of the Government, Abdul Razzaq Guy Kambogo, guest of the 8 p.m. news on Gabon 1erastate television.

« For procedural questions, we may have 24 hours to wait for the Constitutional Court to rule (…) to certify that the procedure has been respected », recommended Mr. Kambogo.

The Secretary General of the Government explained that after the adoption of the draft constitution in the Council of Ministers and its official submission to the Prime Minister “ immediately follows the transmission of the decree accompanying the draft constitution to the Constitutional Court which will examine it to ensure that the constitutional provisions have been respected. This is what the procedure requires »

« The President of the Republic wants this project, which will be submitted to the Gabonese people, to strictly respect all constitutional procedures. “, he added.

« Everything is done so that as soon as the opinion of the Constitutional Court is given, publication (of the text, editor’s note) will take place in all possible forms accessible to us. “, he continued.

« I know that everyone is impatient to see this real constitution (…) it shows the enthusiasm around the constitution. I reassure the Gabonese people that the constitution is ready. It will be published. Simply for procedural questions, we perhaps have 24 hours to wait for the Constitutional Court to rule (…) attest that the procedure has been respected “, he insisted.

Thursday after the adoption of the draft constitution, the council of ministers chaired by the president of the Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema set the date of the constitutional referendum for November 16.

The Gabonese will go to the polls to vote “ oui » or « non » to this draft constitution. The government is widely criticized for not having immediately published this project after its adoption.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-10-20 21:26:00
#draft #constitution #published #hours #Constitutional #Court



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