Hezbollah and Israel: Israel strikes “Hezbollah’s financial sites” and launches raids on the southern suburbs – BBC.com

The Unstoppable Conflict: Israeli Airways and the Beirut Ballet

Oh, Lebanon! It’s like a turbulent game of chess where every move seems to result in more smoke, more chaos, and certainly more gossip worthy of an award-winning soap opera. Just the other day, reports stated that Hezbollah and Iranian militias withdrew from Syrian positions”>Israeli air raids graced the vibrant airspace close to Beirut International Airport – which, I must say, is more excitement than the average airport experience. Of course, one can only imagine how baggage claim must have sounded that night: “Flight delayed due to military activity. Please remain calm – and, possibly, duck!”

In a series of dramatic moves, the Israeli army executed no less than 11 raids on the southern suburb of Beirut. Yes, you read that right—11! That’s not just a casual evening stroll; that’s a full-on urban safari, and if you ask me, the tour guide should have recommended a bit more caution. They even bombed the famous Al-Qard Al-Hassan Foundation, which raises the question: are they collecting data on foundations to destroy, or do they just have a really random checklist of targets?

Casualty Counts and Conference Calls

The Lebanese Ministry of Health reported a staggering increase in casualty figures since the conflict began. 2,464 dead and over 11,000 wounded. If you’re keeping score at home, that’s a lot of people. You’d think they were running a sheer chaotic form of ‘last man standing’ championships over there. The men and women in white coats aren’t just doctors anymore; they’re more like paramedics on call in a high-stakes thriller. And speaking of high stakes, the mayor of Sidon announced a series of precautionary measures which sounded more like a poorly executed fire drill than a response to international conflict. Anyone holding fire safety workshops in Sidon? You’re now trending!

Aerial Drama Meets Ground Level Chaos

Meanwhile, as the fun unfolded, Hezbollah snuck in some missiles of their own, because, you know, if you can’t beat them, throw a missile. Not exactly the ‘outsmart your opponent’ strategy one would hope for, but hey, why go conventional when you can go kinetic? It’s like a very dangerous game of tag, only the stakes are higher, and the weapons are, shall I say, less toy-friendly.

Aiming missiles amid the confusion might just be the political equivalent of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. As they say, when you’ve got a hammer, everything looks like a nail — well, Hezbollah seems to have an arsenal that resembles an entire toolbox!

Evacuation Plans: Can You Evacuate a Whole City?

The mayor of Sidon has been grabbing headlines with orders for immediate evacuations of certain areas. Ah, evacuation protocol, that classic dodgeball maneuver where you hope to not get caught in the crossfire while trying to find an exit. They’re moving hospitals, emergency teams, and even the municipal police headquarters, who I imagine are now practicing their best ‘quick escape’ routines. Who knew that being a public servant came with the additional job title of “suburban ninja”? If only they could drag the public along for karate lessons before the next aerial ballet.

Conclusion: What Does It All Mean?

As the dust settles and the chaos continues, let’s remember that amid all this turmoil, public officials, those brave souls playing international chess, are doing their best — or at least trying to appear like they’ve got a coherent plan. With multiple airstrikes, ground raids, and a rising casualty count, let’s not mince words: the stakes are higher than a professional basketball game in its final minutes.

In a world that sometimes feels like it is auditioning for the next big disaster movie, remember to keep your popcorn ready, because, dear readers, with all this drama, the sequel is bound to be just as wild. Stay tuned for more, and let’s hope for a plot twist that turns the tide toward peace rather than more bombastic action! After all, even the most epic of movies eventually has to end — preferably on a high note, and not a crash landing.

Image source: Reuters

20 October 2024, 19:45 GMT

Last updated 1 hour ago

Israeli raids targeted the vicinity of Beirut International Airport on Sunday evening, as clouds of smoke rose from locations close to the airport.

A security source told Agence France-Presse that two strikes hit targets near the airport, coinciding with the Israeli army launching 11 raids on the southern suburb of Beirut, one of which hit an area near Rafik Hariri International Airport.

The National News Agency in Lebanon reported that Israel began bombing various branches of Hezbollah’s “Al-Qard Al-Hassan” organization on Sunday evening, after statements by Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari in which he said that the organization “participates in financing the terrorist activities of the Hezbollah organization against Israel.”

Israel bombed the Al-Qard Al-Hassan Foundation branch in Hermel, eastern Lebanon, and raided two former buildings of the organization in the middle of the Baalbek commercial market, and the Rayak area towards the town of Ali Al-Nahri.

The Israeli army had issued warnings to residents of 22 areas in Lebanon that it planned to attack tonight, 12 of which were in the capital, Beirut.

For its part, the Lebanese Ministry of Health denied the evacuation of Baalbek Governmental Hospital, and confirmed that “the hospital is operating normally after the patients were transferred to safer rooms than the rooms facing the Al-Qard Al-Hassan branch next to the hospital, which the occupation forces threatened to target.”

The Ministry reiterated its call on the media “not to rush to transmit news that might increase panic and confusion.”

The Israeli army launched successive raids on the southern suburb of Hezbollah, the number of which reached ten raids, which also targeted the vicinity of the Al-Mreijeh area and the old airport road, according to the Lebanese agency.

For its part, Hezbollah said it fired more missiles at Israel, targeting three military bases.

“Evacuation and precautionary measures”

The mayor of Sidon in southern Lebanon, in coordination with the security forces, announced that “a series of precautionary measures had been taken in the city after an Israeli threat to target Al-Qard Al-Hassan branches in Lebanon.”

He gave his directions for the immediate evacuation of the Sidon municipality, the municipal police headquarters, and the joint operations room for the relief of displaced people from southern Lebanon, and also the evacuation of two hosting centers for the displaced in the vicinity of Bank Street in the city, and to secure their transfer to two centers far from the aforementioned street.

He also gave instructions to the civil defense, police and Red Cross teams to be prepared for any emergency.

The Israeli aircraft had targeted an ambulance on the Bir al-Salsil road, east of Tyre, causing injuries, according to what the National News Agency in Lebanon reported.

The Lebanese Ministry of Health stated on Sunday that the total death toll since the start of the current war in Lebanon had risen as of Saturday to 2,464 dead and 11,530 wounded.



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