This is the winner of ARIA season 3 – MAX Today

Leander Carlier is the winner of the MAX opera talent show ARIA. On Sunday evening he competed in a spectacular final against fellow candidates Sabra El Bahri Khatri and Nima Pournaghshband.

Leander Carlier sings aria uit The dead city

During the final, the 3 talented final candidates each sang 1 aria, accompanied by the National Youth Orchestra conducted by Leonard Evers. Baritone Leander brought My longing, my dreaming from the opera Die tote Stadt. The jury was very touched by his performance and sees a great career ahead of him on stage.

Secret Judge Reveal

Leander wins a course at De Opera Studio of Dutch National Opera. This is a training program in which young singers – under the artistic direction of Rosemary Joshua – are prepared for an international opera career.

After weeks of speculation, the identity of the mysterious Secret Judge was revealed in the finale. None other than soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek, who has played several major title roles in her extensive career at major opera houses around the world, had the decisive vote this season to allow candidates to proceed to the next round.

Leander as a guest Customization

On Monday, October 21 at 2 p.m., winner Leander will talk about his participation ARIA in the NPO Classic programme Customization op NPO Classic. ARIA look back? That’s possible NPO Start.

ARIA is a co-production of Omroep MAX and MediaLane to which the National Opera has contributed and to which the Friends Lottery and the Cultural Fund have provided financial support.

Leander Carlier Takes the Crown in MAX’s Opera Talent Show ARIA

It’s official: Leander Carlier has serenaded his way to the top! Our audacious baritone, who’s likely been charming opera-goers since he was in a nappy, outperformed his fellow competitors Sabra El Bahri Khatri and Nima Pournaghshband in the final. And just like that, folks, ARIA has crowned its latest star, and you had better believe it’s a tale worth sharing!

An Aria to Remember

In the grand finale, things got seriously operatic as the trio of competitors belted out their best arias. Each candidate had a moment in the spotlight, but let’s talk about Leander’s performance of My longing, my dreaming from the opera Die tote Stadt. Excuse me, but is it getting steamy in here, or did he just evaporate a few hearts? The National Youth Orchestra, with Leonard Evers at the helm, serenaded Leander as he pulled every emotional string in the audience. I mean, if they had any more heartstrings, he’d be a one-man string orchestra!

The Auditory Affection of the Jury

The jury was left positively smitten. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t be? They could practically see Leander’s name in lights—probably on a marquee that reads: “Future Opera Legend!” Seriously though, the jury’s praise isn’t just for show. We’re talking about a grand career trajectory here, folks. It’s hard not to get choked up. In the fast-paced world of opera, it seems Leander is more than prepared to take centre stage. He’s not just the next big thing; he’s coming for your heart—and your Netflix subscriptions with his forthcoming performances!

The Secret Judge Strikes Again!

And let’s not forget the delicious drama of the Secret Judge reveal. Drumroll, please! None other than the illustrious soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek, who has more major title roles under her belt than I have bad jokes. With her formidable experience at opera houses worldwide, it’s no wonder her vote carried the weight of a thousand sopranos. I can only imagine the flutter of excitement as she cast her decisive vote—like watching a dramatic plot twist unfold on stage!

A Bright Future Awaits

Not one to rest on his laurels (or his well-deserved applause), Leander will soon be trading his stage shoes for more formal training. He snagged a coveted course at De Opera Studio of Dutch National Opera—bringing him one step closer to ruling the operatic realm with an iron fist and a velvet glove. Under the watchful eye of the incredibly talented Rosemary Joshua, watch out world, Leander is about to hit those high notes like he’s trying to shatter glass!

Catch Up with Leander

Excited about Leander? Well, if you fancy a little tête-à-tête, you can tune in on Monday, October 21, at 2 p.m. for a chat on NPO Classic’s programme Customization. You know what they say: if you’re not talking opera, you’re missing the real drama! And if you fancy a glance back at the magical moments of ARIA, you can catch up via NPO Start. Just make sure you don’t spill your coffee over those captivating arias!

The Magic of ARIA

This spectacular operatic talent show, produced by Omroep MAX and MediaLane, has the National Opera in its corner—and with backing from the Friends Lottery and the Cultural Fund, it’s clear that ARIA isn’t just a one-note wonder. It’s a grand symphony of support! Who knows, maybe one day, you’ll spot Leander performing in an opera house near you. Or perhaps snoozing next to someone who just witnessed his stunning performance—pinch yourself, it might not all be a dream!

So, let’s give a triumphant ovation to Leander Carlier, the newest diva (or divo!) in the opera scene. Remember this name, folks; you’ll be hearing it on stages worldwide in the near future!



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