What is the amount of the fine for driving without a license plate in Venezuela?

  • The measure was proposed as a reinforcement of the law that was already in force in the country

Diosdado Cabello, Minister of Interior Relations, Justice and Peace, reported that he gave the order to the security forces to reinforce measures to fine drivers who circulate without license plates in Caracas.

Likewise, the minister also requested sanctions for those who participate or promote security caravans that interrupt the flow of vehicles on public roads.

“The issue of caravans and abuses have to end. Some guys get out and say they have to go through there. The caravans are going to have to take a minimum. The car you see on the street without a license plate will have to take a minimum. Why? Because here there are no people with more rights than others,” he said in his program With the Gavel Giving.

In Venezuela the collection of infractions It is carried out taking the euro as a reference due to an ordinance decreed in 2023 for the unification of tax criteria. Each municipality in the Caracas Metropolitan Area adapted these regulations to regulate their laws regarding civic affairs, including mobility and transportation.

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Photo: Archive

What is the amount of the fine?

By October 20,
The euro in Venezuela is quoted at 42.5 bolivars, according to the official rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)

Juan Carlos Oropeza, first commissioner of PoliCaracas, reported to The Universal that those who violate this traffic law will be punished with a fine of up to 50 euros (2,125 bolivars). This measure is established because, according to article 28, the fines will be calculated based on the monetary unit with the highest value in the country, which is currently the euro.

For his part, Rafael Ortiz, chief commissioner of PoliCaracas, assured that the laws have always been in force, but that it is necessary to reinforce compliance.

The land traffic law prohibits in article 179 the circulation of vehicles without any type of identification, since from the moment they are acquired they already come out with their license plates,” he stressed for the media.

The deadline to pay or appeal a fine
is 30 days from the time of imposition of the violation

Danny González, citizen security councilor of the Chacao municipality, explained in a previous interview for The Diary that the entry into force of the Organic Law of Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of States and Municipalities establishes that all ordinances must be adapted to the currency with the highest value in circulation in Venezuela.

The official considers that this action makes it easier to avoid constant changes in the legislation and, in his opinion, avoids confusion, at least in terms of fines and taxation. Likewise, he clarified that although the euro is used as a reference amount for the payment of infractions, it is not charged directly in that currency and payment must be made in the equivalent in bolivars.

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