ASML casts a chill on the chip sector

China's Xi'an lockdown extended… More good news than bad news for Samsung?”>ASML‘s Semiconductor Shakeup: A Comedy of Errors?

DECRYPTION – Buckle up, my dear readers, because the European semiconductor giant ASML just sent shockwaves through the tech world faster than a toddler on a sugar rush! Demand in China has dried up like a raisin in the sun, and certain large customers are suddenly playing hard to get. Who knew the silicon valley of dreams could turn into a silicon desert in the blink of an eye?

In an “unfortunate technical error” — because clearly, this was just a snafu and not a sensational financial catastrophe — ASML decided to drop its quarterly results into the public domain with all the grace of a herd of elephants on roller skates. The result? A staggering 60 billion euro plunge in market cap in a mere two sessions. The last time I saw a drop that steep, it was my blood pressure after an awkward first date!

Now, let’s talk about ASML’s place in the semiconductor entertainment market — oh wait, I meant industry. They’re not just any company; they manufacture the machines that etch advanced chips that make our devices run. And their clients? Just a few little names like Intel, Samsung, and TSMC. No biggie! However, it seems their order book is looking emptier than the room at a magician’s show when he reveals his secrets. Instead of the expected 5 billion euros, they’re sitting with only 2.6 billion. I guess someone forgot to send out the “Keep Calm and Order More Chips” memo!

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And now, the dreaded ‘slowdown’ word is appearing, hovering like an ominous cloud over our semiconductor dreams. It’s almost as if someone decided to hit the brakes on the tech rollercoaster, and here we are, hanging upside down, wondering where the fun went! Who wouldn’t feel the pinch with a market that suddenly has fewer orders than a waiter at a restaurant with a bad review? ASML is feeling the impact, and it’s not pretty — more like a tragic comedy unfolding right before our eyes!

So, what’s the takeaway from this grand semiconductor saga? Well, it’s a reminder that even giants can stumble, and when they do, everyone else seems to trip over each other in the aftermath. Keep your eyes peeled, folks, because in the wild world of semiconductors, anything can happen — and often does, just when you least expect it!

DECRYPTION – The European semiconductor giant is suffering from a drying up of demand in China and among certain large customers.

L’« technical error » who revealed the figures by surprise only made their announcement more brutal. The quarterly results of the European semiconductor giant, ASML, published a few hours in advance, caused its capitalization to melt by 60 billion euros in two sessions. Unheard of in twenty-six years of listing for the Dutch champion. In its wake, most global sector values ​​fell.

ASML occupies a strategic and quite unique place in the semiconductor value chain: it manufactures the machines used to etch advanced chips for industry on silicon. Its clients are the major semiconductor manufacturers: Intel, Samsung, TSMC… However, in the third quarter, ASML’s order book turned out to be half as full as expected, with 2.6 billion. euros instead of the expected 5 billion.

Also read Semiconductors: STMicroelectronics invests 5 billion euros in Sicily

The group is feeling the impact of the slowdown…



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