Four men charged with having planned murder in Oslo

Four men charged with having planned murder in Oslo

The four were arrested last weekend. On Monday, several of them were remanded in custody for four weeks with letter and visitation bans. The district court refers to this in its rulings as a very serious matter.

“At the present time, there are many unresolved questions in the case. … The police have secured several phones and other seizures that will be reviewed, and it is expected that new persons of interest to the investigation will be identified,” writes the district court in one of the rulings.

– The fourth accused has been released, but the charge has been upheld, says police attorney Christian Hatlo to NTB.

The police investigation is in an early phase, and the police attorney is tight-lipped.

– As of now, no one has formal status as offended in the case. We have reason to believe, based on the nature of the case and the information we have, that there is a settlement in a criminal gang environment in Oslo. They have entered into an agreement that someone will be killed, says Hatlo to NTB.

Lawyer Trond Erik Aansløkken has been appointed as defense counsel for one of the accused, a previously convicted man in his 30s from Lørenskog, writes The daily newspaper.

– He denies criminal guilt and does not understand these accusations. Beyond that, I have no comment on the case, as the documents are classified, says Aansløkken to the newspaper.

The defense attorneys for the other accused in the case also tell Dagbladet that their clients deny criminal guilt.

#men #charged #planned #murder #Oslo



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