A fourth serious incident in nine days: a new gunshot wound near the …

Gunfire and Turf Wars: A Saint-Paul Shopping Center Saga

In a gripping yet unfortunately familiar tale that’s unfolding near the Saint-Paul shopping center, we find ourselves once again in the midst of a turf war fit for a Hollywood blockbuster – albeit without the budget for stunts. This Saturday, around 2 p.m., our hero of the day was merely trying to enjoy a day out when he was caught in the line of fire, literally. We’re talking about a man who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with a slight leg injury to prove it.

Shooting Incident

The shopping center, known for its deals and foot traffic, saw the irony punching in its own ticket when armed individuals decided it was time for some aggressive marketing—by shooting into the air and aiming for a leg! Now, who needs a good old-fashioned “Buy One Get One Free” when you can have “One Bullet, Two Injuries”? The real kicker? This marks the fourth serious incident in just nine days. At this rate, they should start offering “Free Bandages with Every Purchase” as a marketing strategy.

Witnesses reported that these hooded figures, ever the stylish thugs, did their best impression of a drive-by, sans vehicle. They made their dramatic exit while parking lots were bustling with families and bargain hunters, because nothing screams “family fun day” like gunfire echoing through shopping aisles!

A Pattern of Violence

What do we have here? A turf war, or as I like to call it, “When Thugs Collide”! This latest incident is merely the continuation of a saga that has seen a man shot, albeit accidentally, during a disagreement—sorry, ‘altercation’—at the same shopping hotspot. Witnesses, fearing for their lives and possibly the latest sneakers, describe multiple events involving a cast of hooded villains, where the only real winner has been chaos.

We have a new action-packed episode each week: last Wednesday, a man was shot in the leg, followed by another leg injury the day before. It’s like a twisted version of a soap opera, with plots that never seem to heal. If this continues, we might just see “Shooting Stars” adding to the shopping center’s brochure next to “Fine Dining” and “Family Entertainment.”

The Authorities Strike Back

In response to these escalating events, the local authorities have decided to step in and flex their muscle. Police forces are being ramped up like there’s about to be a dance-off instead of a gunfight, with the prefect launching a “full-scale mobilization” around the shopping zone. Looks like the thugs won’t be able to operate in peace anymore; they might just have to run their ‘business’ in bowling alleys or arcades instead. Wouldn’t that be a sight!

The police have already made two arrests—because the only thing that should be shot at a shopping center is the sales! One individual was caught with cannabis and cocaine, while the other was armed with a lovely little handgun. Their new permanent residence? A cozy cell, where their only turf war will be over who gets the top bunk.

Marjorie Ghizoli, the departmental director of public security, didn’t mince words: “We’re dealing with thugs who have no respect for anything.” A sentiment that rings true, especially in a place where shopping is meant for bargains, not bazookas. She’s vowed to put an end to this madness, and honestly, if anyone can do it, I’m putting my money on her. Who wouldn’t be scared of a woman with that level of no-nonsense attitude?

The Conclusion

So, folks, while we wait for law enforcement to regain control and maybe throw in a good shopping deal or two, remember: if you’re heading to the Saint-Paul shopping center, leave your drama at home. Because when the stakes are this high, a simple trip for a pair of shoes can turn into an episode of “Cops: Shopping Mall Edition.” Stay safe, stay smart, and for the love of bargains, watch your back!

A man was injured in the leg this Saturday after 2 p.m. after gunfire. This is the fourth serious incident of this kind in nine days which has taken place in front of or in the Saint-Paul shopping center, the scene of a turf war against a backdrop of drug trafficking. A succession of acts taken very seriously by the public authorities who have strengthened the surveillance system.

A man was shot this Saturday afternoon after 2 p.m., near the Saint-Paul shopping center, at Avenue de l’Europe. According to initial findings, the victim was slightly injured in the leg during this violent descent. According to testimonies, the armed people also fired into the air before fleeing. The events took place when the parking lots in the commercial area were full at that time of the day.

Turf war

This serious incident is the fourth in nine days and has many similarities with previous cases. This Wednesday evening, a man was shot, a collateral victim of an altercation that took place at the shopping mall, he explained to the police. Two hooded people then fled.

The day before, another man had been shot in the legs. The previous week, an equivalent scene was observed which caused injuries to the legs of a 28-year-old man. Three hooded individuals were then identified on the scene. This succession of maneuvers, which can be considered intimidation in the context of a turf war, took place on a well-known deal point.

“Put it to an end quickly”

The multiplication of these facts led the prefect to reinforce the police forces around the commercial zone. As of this Friday, two men were arrested. One was in possession of cannabis resin and cocaine. The second was carrying a handgun. They were taken into police custody and will be presented to the prosecutor in the coming hours.

This Saturday evening, the departmental director of public security Marjorie Ghizoli announced “a special mobilization in this neighborhood with support from the CRS and a unit of mobile gendarmes, present night and day”. “We are dealing with thugs who have no respect for anything. Our goal is to quickly put an end to all this” she indicated. The interdepartmental judicial police service was seized of the investigation by the prosecutor.



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