Lyrics and meaning of the song ‘Nresnani’ from LAVORA ft Damara De – Sonora.ID

Sonora.ID – The lyrics of the song “Nresnani” were popularized by LAVORA with Damara De.

This Javanese song was written by Tadeus Waseso and released on October 4 2024.

Until this article was published, the video clip for the song “Nresnani” had reached 612 thousand views.

The following are the lyrics and meaning of the song “Nresnani” from LAVORA feat Damara De.

The night breeze soothes my pain
The night breeze heals my pain
Together you fill my heart
Together you fill my heart
I’m comfortable only with you
I’m comfortable just being with you
Or other things
There is nothing else
My dear, I love you
My darling I love you

Oh my love this love will never go away
Darling, my love will never disappear
I still remember my faithful promise yesterday
I still remember my promise of loyalty yesterday
It’s like a moonlit sky
Like the moon sky
It will always be a match
Will always be the same
My love and your love will continue to unite
My love and your love will continue to be united


Maturnuwun is always shady, when the rain comes
Thank you for always being there when it rains
Ora ono sing iso ganteni, kowe sing tak tresno
No one can replace you, I love you

This feeling of love fades away with age
This feeling of love fades with age
You feel sad my dear,
You feel sad darling

Hold this hand
Hold this hand
Believe in yourself only one
Believe me you are the only one
My prayers will never be separated
My prayer will never be separated
With you forever will be happy
With you forever will be happy

Maturnuwun is always shady when it rains
Thank you for always being there when it rains
Ora ono sing iso ganteni kowe sing tak tresno
Nothing can replace you that I don’t love

This love will fade with age
This feeling of love fades with age
You feel sad my dear,
You feel sad darling

This love is sincere, for you are a good person
This love is sincere, you are a good person
Don’t worry, I won’t worry
You feel worried, I will not turn around

I’m going to go, oh worship of the heart
I will help you, my heart is full of love
Thank God, it can be one
Thank God, we can be one

Thank God, it will be one
Thank God, we will be one

These are the lyrics and meaning of the song “Nresnani” from LAVORA feat Damara De. Hope it is useful.

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Unpacking the Magic of “Nresnani”: A Javanese Love Ode

Sonora.ID recently highlighted how the captivating lyrics of the song “Nresnani,” bred by the fabulous duo LAVORA and Damara De, have taken the Javanese music scene by storm. Released on October 4, 2024, this heartstring-tugging melody is proving to be quite the earworm—612 thousand views (and counting) on the music video, which suggests people *really* want to hear about love… or they’ve just run out of Netflix series to binge.

A Lyrical Breakdown: Love in Every Line

The song’s lyrics speak to the universal experience of love—the kind where you’re not just putting up with your partner’s quirks, but you’re genuinely savoring every moment. If only dating were as simple as the lyrics imply! Let’s dive into some choicest lines:

The night breeze soothes my pain

Together you fill my heart
I’m comfortable only with you
Or other things, there is nothing else.

Oh, the nostalgia of young love! The night breeze, the cozy chats, and the undeniable truth that there’s more to life than just scrolling through social media. It impressively sums up what it feels like to be so smitten that a gust of wind feels tailor-made for your affections.

Promises and Moonlight

You can almost feel the romantic setting as the song elegantly dovetails into themes of promise and continuity:

Oh my love this love will never go away
Like a moonlit sky, it will always be a match.

Because nothing screams ‘forever’ like an overcast relationship framed by a bright moon, right? But let’s be real for a moment. That might just be the best metaphor for a steadfast relationship. You know, until the power goes out, and you’re left fumbling about in the dark, wondering whose turn it is to take the trash out.

Thank You, Rainy Days

Embedded in the lyrics is a delightful appreciation for those who stand by you through thick and thin:

Maturnuwun is always shady, when the rain comes
No one can replace you, I love you.

Ah, nothing quite says ‘I appreciate you’ like a romantic serenade dedicated to enduring love amidst life’s unpredictable downpours. Come on, admit it: you’d need someone by your side to dodge those inevitable life storms!

The Bittersweet Reality of Love

But as the ballad unravels, it doesn’t shy away from the reality that even the sunniest romances can face clouds of uncertainty:

This feeling of love fades away with age;

You feel sad my dear.

Ouch! Just when we were riding the love wave, here comes reality, crashing down like your best mate after a long night out. It serves as a gentle reminder that love, while powerful, tends to grow and shift—much like your willpower when it’s time to hit the gym. Who said love doesn’t come with its expiration date?

Wrapping Up: “Nresnani” – A Heartfelt Experience

In short, “Nresnani” isn’t just a song; it’s a delightful journey capturing the highs and lows of love, wrapped in poetic Javanese lyrics. Whether it soothes your soul during a melancholy evening or gets you swaying with your loved one, this track caters to the romantic in all of us.

So grab a partner, or a pint of ice cream, and let LAVORA and Damara De serenade you into a whimsical world shaped by love, loss, and the bittersweet nostalgia we all recognize. And remember, as the old saying goes, love might fade with age, but so does your energy for small talk at parties—so choose wisely who you let into your heart… and your home!

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