SPÖ prince: “Burgenland continues to follow an independent course when it comes to asylum and migration – consistently implements announced measures”

2024-10-20 06:13:00

Eisenstadt (OTS) –

on October 20, 2024 – As early as February 2024, the SPÖ Burgenland put a detailed migration and asylum position paper on the table, which, for example, called for an upper limit of 10,000 asylum applications. At the same time, it was announced that if this upper limit was not met, only 330 people would be included in basic care in the future, in order to put pressure on the inactive ÖVP-Green federal government. “Up to and including September, 18,816 asylum applications were submitted, and by the end of the year there will be between 25,000 and 30,000 again because ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer and Interior Minister Karner only outdo each other in rhetoric and tell fairy tales. It is therefore only logical if we implement what we demand in our area of ​​responsibility. “We have now created the conditions in Burgenland to ensure that no more than 330 people receive basic care per year,” explains SPÖ club chairman Roland Fürst. Burgenland is currently in fourth place with 80.60 percent utilization of the asylum rate, behind Styria (81.80 percent), Vorarlberg (92.90 percent) and Vienna with 212.60 percent. “If there is no political pressure from the federal states, the system will never change. “We have been pointing out the problems with asylum and migration for years, such as the fact that a very high percentage of negative asylum seekers are not deported, not even asylum seekers who have committed criminal offenses,” says Fürst. In this respect, if the asylum decision is negative, Burgenland will stop providing basic services and offer return assistance. “It would make sense if all actors at the federal and state level got involved, otherwise the entire asylum system would continue to be reduced to absurdity. We must finally make a consistent distinction between asylum and migration and need a rethinking process here as well as finally tangible solutions because Austria has achieved a disproportionately high amount in recent years,” says Fürst.

In all surveys, the issue of “asylum and migration” is the number one topic; the population demands solutions from politicians and not explanations of how what cannot be done. “The big screws can only be turned at a European and national level, but there are also opportunities in the federal state that we will exploit in Burgenland. In the future, asylum seekers will do charitable work in basic care in Burgenland. If this does not happen for a valid reason, basic care benefits will be reduced or canceled. This is also a good preparation process with regard to integration into the labor market if there is a positive asylum decision. The federal government has also failed on this issue, there are currently 44,000 people entitled to asylum registered with the AMS,” says Fürst, pointing out that every job seeker or social welfare recipient who refuses to work will also have their unemployment benefit reduced or canceled. The legal basis will be created in the December state parliament.

The EU acts too laxly when it comes to asylum and migration – more and more states are taking special paths

In the meantime, Brussels has also become aware that the issue of asylum and migration has been left to slide for far too long and has realized that the problems cannot be solved with insubstantial rhetoric. “The long wait for the implementation of the EU asylum pact is not productive as more and more countries are taking special measures due to the unsatisfactory situation. The EU and Austria must act quickly here. Here, current Chancellor Nehammer and his Interior Minister Karner should finally move from talking to doing. But countries like Hungary must also be held to restrictive measures,” concluded Fürst.


#SPÖ #prince #Burgenland #continues #follow #independent #asylum #migration #consistently #implements #announced #measures



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