Qualified as the most expensive hospital in the world, the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco denounces fake news

2024-10-20 06:15:00

The Monaco hospital is the most expensive in the world… the title of the article from October 12 on the site Hello Safe is catchy. It made the management of the Princess Grace Hospital Center jump, which in a press release denounced a “fake newspurely and simply.

Hello Safe’s argument is based on a comparative study of the price of stays in various hospital establishments.

“A very opaque study”

“The methodology of this ‘study’ is very opaque, not to say incomprehensible, since we are motivated to go further than a simple title, by seeking to analyze the figures thrown out into the open”, underlines the management, deploring “unfortunate rumors” induced by this publication where Hello Safe indicates that you have to pay 3,065 euros per day of hospitalization in the Principality, when you do not benefit from health insurance.

“It’s better to laugh about it because anyone who knows anything about hospital pricing will find it grotesque,” replies the hospital management. “The prices of the Princess Grace Hospital Center are public and much easier to find than the sources of this study. You only need to refer to the Journal de Monaco n°8539 to read that the daily price for medical hospitalization is 955.11 euros, even below the French rate paid by Monegasque social security holders in France!”

“At a time of fake news that abounds on the web, we hope to have shed a little light and thank our patients for their trust, while expressing our dedication to them. We simply hope that this “study” is the work of a poorly designed algorithm and not real malicious statisticians.”

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