Joachim Pambou Mbatchi and ”L’Appel d’Angondjé” say ”YES” to the amended version –

During a communication made on Friday in Libreville, the political parties members of the ”L’Appel d’Angondjé” platform clearly displayed their commitment to contributing to the adoption of a new constitution during the consultation referendum on November 16. At the same time, they reaffirmed their support for the governance of the current transition, under the leadership of General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma and called for the constitution of a Union for the new Gabonese republic.

Although raising legitimate questions, the political parties that are members of the platform ”The Call of Angondjé” believe that the new constitutional architecture, integrating the amendments made by the parliamentarians, gathered in the constituent assembly, corresponds to the expectations of the Gabonese.

The member parties of ”The Call of Angondjé”through the voice of Joachim Pambou Mbatchi, thus urge citizens to vote massively for “YES” during the referendum of November 16, 2024. This choice would, according to them, be the key to bringing Gabon into a new era, in this sense that the new version of the constitution reinforces the idea of ​​a republic based on strong institutions, they argue.

At the same time, they welcome the respect of the commitments made by the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), particularly in consideration of the rigor with which the transition timetable is executed, proof if there is any the desire of the transitional president to restore institutions and restore dignity to Gabonese citizens.

Hence, the unwavering support expressed for Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma for his leadership and his abilities to guide the nation. He is therefore urged to respond favorably to popular demand by running as a candidate in the next presidential election. For ”The Call of Angondjé”, the president of the transition is the man for the job to lead Gabon towards a promising future and the much-dreamed happiness.

In their statement, the members of the platform ”The Call of Angondjé”which aims to be the catalyst for national mobilization, launch a vibrant call for unity, beyond political boundaries and considerations, in favor of a new republic, around the flag and a common project to build a Gabon stronger.

Alph’-Willem Eslie and Tryphene Lembah

2024-10-19 11:15:00
#Joachim #Pambou #Mbatchi #LAppel #dAngondjé #amended #version



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