POCO will close its official website on December 31 2024, what’s wrong with POCO? – rbtv.disway.id – RBTV

Redha Medi Saputra|

Purnama Sakti|

Sunday 10-20-2024,05:13 WIB

POCO will close its official account, why?–

NATIONAL, RBTVCAMKOHA.COM – Xiaomi’s sub-brand, namely POCO, is rumored to be closing its official website (po.co) on December 31, 2024.

This includes all sites under the po.co domain, including global sites and regional sites.

For POCO fans, don’t worry, instead POCO will post its products and services via the Xiaomi website.

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This news is quite surprising, because Xiaomi always emphasizes the brand differences between Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO.

Even though there are changes, this will not significantly disrupt consumers using POCO, because all existing customer support, product and service offerings will be transferred smoothly via the official Xiaomi website (mi.com/global).

This transition will begin on October 21, 2024, after which consumers will not be able to make purchases via the official POCO website.

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POCO will also not delete the loyalty program, existing POCO points and loyalty points will still be transferred and remain valid in the Xiaomi ecosystem,

Apart from that, existing coupons will also be reissued before December 12, 2024.

After the official site closes on December 31 2024, those who access the official POCO site will automatically be directed to the official Xiaomi site.

However, it is a shame that the POCO Store app will not be part of the migration and will no longer work once the website is closed.

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Xiaomi announced POCO as an independent brand in 2020, but POCO has not really operated independently, because most of its products are very similar to Redmi products.

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POCO’s Closure: What It Means for Fans and Consumers

By Redha Medi Saputra | Edited by Purnama Sakti

Well, folks, gather around because I’ve got some juicy news for you! In a turn of events that has left POCO fans scratching their heads—and possibly their credit cards—Xiaomi’s cheeky sub-brand POCO is set to close its official website on December 31, 2024. Yes, that’s the end of an era, or more accurately, the end of a web address.

The Big Shift

Xiaomi, in what can only be described as a mid-life crisis for its sub-brand, has decided that POCO will no longer have its very own cozy corner of the internet. Instead, fans will now have to march over to the main Xiaomi website, effectively turning POCO’s virtual club into a section in a much larger supermarket. You can almost hear the POCO fans groaning, “Oh no, not the aisle with the washing machines!”

Transitioning Smoothly… Or So They Say

Starting October 21, 2024, POCO’s loyal tribers will no longer be able to purchase products on their beloved po.co. But fear not! According to the company, all the love (and customer support, product offerings, and also those pesky return policies) will be handled with tender care over at mi.com/global. It’s practically a romantic “we’ll still be together, just in a bigger place” sort of scenario!

No Points Left Behind!

Now before any POCO fans start losing sleep over their loyalty points, let’s set the record straight: “POCO points will transfer over!” Yes, if you’ve been hoarding those, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Your loyalty to POCO will not go unnoticed—unless, of course, you forget your login details, in which case, it’s back to square one!

Interestingly, while they promise a seamless transition, there’s a catch: the POCO Store app will not migrate into this new Xiaomi universe. It’s like watching your favourite TV series get cancelled after eight successful seasons—heartbreaking! Let’s just hope they don’t leave any cliffhangers.

The Not-So-Independent Independent

POCO was launched as an independent brand back in 2020, but let’s be honest; it’s harder to find an independent artist in a record label than it is for POCO to stand alone. Most of its products are basically clones of Redmi devices. It’s the equivalent of buying a knockoff handbag that you convince yourself is “almost” original.

The Road Ahead

So, if you’re an avid POCO user, prepare yourself for a phase of your smartphone journey where they’re “moonlighting” under Xiaomi’s umbrella. Just when you thought you were getting a distinct flavor of tech, it turns out you were just getting the same dish with a different garnish!

In conclusion, while the closure of POCO’s website may feel a bit… less exciting, the continuity of service is the silver lining. You’ll still be able to enjoy the POCO products you love, albeit with a bit more familiarity to Xiaomi’s offerings. It’s like a long-distance relationship that turns into a cozy house-sharing venture—just with way more gadgets!

We’ll keep our eyes peeled on this tech soap opera, but in the meantime, stay tuned to all your favorite tech sources for updates. Who knows? We might just see POCO rising like a phoenix again—hopefully with its own website!

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