How Serious Are Childhood Illnesses: They Are Responsible for Devastating Sequelae – The Truth

Childhood diseases are no joke and can leave very serious consequences, especially if we are talking about very young children or people with weakened immune systems. Measles, for example, can lead to a collapse of immunity, and mumps to sterility and pancreatitis.

Measles can have devastating effects PHOTO The truth

Considered childhood diseases are chicken pox, measles, rubella, erythema infectiosum, roseola infantum and scarlet fever. All this is underestimated by a part of the population, seen as something natural or a good way of natural immunization of the child. In addition, there are Romanians who refuse to vaccinate their children with the free doses included in the national vaccination scheme, precisely to prevent contracting these viral diseases. Doctors say that this attitude and conception regarding childhood diseases is totally wrong. These diseases are actually very serious and can leave serious consequences, especially in very young children or those with a weakened immune system.

“Childhood diseases are extremely serious”

Epidemiologist Irina Alecu, from the Botoșani Health Directorate, says that these childhood diseases can have a very serious evolution for the human body. That is precisely why the decision was made to invent vaccines for immunization and the prevention of possible sequelae. Some very serious. “Childhood diseases are extremely serious, and that is why medicine in the last hundred years has fought intensely to produce vaccine preparations that prevent such diseases. Precisely because their effects were serious. We have all heard of the great epidemics of whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, which decimated entire populations of children or left extremely serious consequences. We all know what polio can do. Diphtheria is fatal if not treated early. As well as whooping cough which, through convulsions, causes a lack of oxygen to the brain and the child is left with lifelong sequelae“, says doctor Irina Alecu. And the diseases listed above are part of the vaccination scheme. The lack of vaccine, doctors say, exposes the body to illness and automatically to possible complications, especially in very young children.

The childhood disease that collapses the immune system

One of the worst childhood diseases is measles. It is also called measles and is caused by a virus. It can be easily prevented by vaccination. Without the vaccine, measles can have very serious complications. It is manifested by high fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes. After 3-5 days, the rash also appears on the skin. It can be fatal for small children. Complications of measles occur in 30% of cases and are serious. First, measles leads to a collapse of immunity. That’s why many children, about 6 out of 100 children, with measles get pneumonia. Others encephalitis, meningoencephalitis or even subacute sclerosing panencephalitis leading to brain degeneration. “Measles causes an immune wipe and immune regression of the body for several years. During that period, the child will contact everything that will circulate near him and automatically the body will crawl additionally through exhaustion.“, states Irina Alecu. In extreme cases, 7 cases in 1000, epilepsy may occur.

Sterility and pancreatitis

Another childhood disease with possible lifelong sequelae is mumps. This is caused by the Urlian virus. At first it looks like a cold. Headache, fever or fatigue occur. It is later highlighted by inflammation of the salivary glands, with jaw pain. More specifically, 50% of boys and 25% of women can develop various associated complications if they are not vaccinated or have a weakened immune system. For boys older than 7 years and unvaccinated there is a risk of sterility. “Mumps if the boy gets it after the age of 6-7-8 years, without vaccination, really produces sterility. Because it has a tropism. And not just sterility, it can produce pancreatitis. Because we are talking about localization at the level of salivary, pancreatic or seminal glands. That is why sterility occurs“, says Irina Alecu. rubella,

Another childhood disease, which manifests itself with mild symptoms and rash, can cause sequelae under certain conditions or in certain categories of people. It is also caused by a virus and in some cases is asymptomatic. For most, rubella is a mild illness. But not for pregnant women in the first trimester. Because of this, rubella can have severe complications. It is estimated that about 90% of babies born to mothers who had rubella in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy will have congenital rubella syndrome. The consequences are serious, from deafness to problems in the development of organs including the heart.

Childhood Diseases: No Laughing Matter

Now, folks, let’s get one thing clear right from the bat: childhood diseases are about as funny as a flat tire on a rainy day. You know, when you’re looking forward to a good laugh and you end up stuck in the mud!
These illnesses, like measles and mumps, don’t just come knocking on your door for a cup of tea; they bring a sack full of serious consequences that can leave you scratching your head—or worse, your child’s head!

The Dark Side of Innocence

Ah, the blissful days of childhood! Running around, making mud pies, blissfully unaware of the lurking dangers of chickenpox, measles, and rubella. It’s no wonder some people underestimate these diseases, treating them as rites of passage or “natural immunizations.” But really? Come on! That’s like saying getting hit by a bus is just an extreme form of cardio!

Listen to the experts, people! As epidemiologist Irina Alecu from the Botoșani Health Directorate aptly puts it: these childhood diseases can be as serious as your father-in-law’s political opinions at family dinners. And if you’re thinking of passing on vaccinations—well, let me just say, that’s a bit like refusing to wear a seatbelt because you think your luck’s that good!

Measles – The Party Crasher

Let’s talk measles for a moment. This virus is the ultimate party crasher, turning your child’s immune system into a punch-drunk boxer! You might as well roll out the red carpet because without vaccination, measles can bring complications like pneumonia and, wait for it—encephalitis! That’s fancy doctor-speak for “your child could end up with brain problems.”

So, while the rash is doing its thing, just know that it’s also busy performing an encore of “Let’s Collapse the Immune System!” That’s right, dear parents. When measles comes to town, your child’s ability to fend off other infections goes down faster than a bad magician’s rabbit!

Mumps – The Unwelcome Guest

And then there’s mumps, strutting in like it owns the place. This virus is something you don’t want your boys meeting after the age of six. Why? Because it can lead to sterility! Yes, I said sterility! Picture it: you spend years thinking you’ll be the cool dad, and then—POOF!—the mumps sidesteps your plans and turns them into a lifetime of regrettable cat videos!

Mumps might kick off with cold-like symptoms, but give it a moment, and you’ll see those salivary glands transform faster than you can say “oops, I forgot to vaccinate!” So, let’s spare the wood shop discussions for later, shall we?

Rubella – The Quiet Storm

And what about rubella, the quiet storm of childhood diseases? It may appear mild, but for pregnant women? It’s like a game of roulette that no mother should ever play. With congenital rubella syndrome, you might end up with babies who have organ issues, deafness, or worse—that’s not a baby shower gift you want!

They say knowledge is power, which makes a good vaccination schedule your superhero utility belt. So buckle up, buttercup! Because these childhood diseases are nothing to snicker at or ignore. Remember, laughter might be the best medicine, but prevention is the best punchline!



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