Bed occupancy by Covid patients in Hospitals decreases by half…

COVID Bed Occupancy in Mexico: A Silver Lining in the Clouds

Well, well, well, ladies and gentlemen! It appears the dark clouds of the COVID pandemic are parting just a bit over in Mexico, and wouldn’t you know it—it’s not just because they’ve turned off the hospital’s room lights! According to the Serious Acute Respiratory Infections Monitoring Network (SARI Network), the occupancy of beds per COVID patient has had a rather impressive nosedive from 2.4% to 1.2%. Yes, you heard that right. We’re not just talking about a reduction; we’re talking about a full-on sprint to the emergency exit! It’s like the beds are saying, “Thanks, but no thanks!” You know, like that date you had who just wouldn’t stop talking about their cats.

What’s more, none of these patients require ventilators or find themselves in a serious condition. They’re being treated at the entirely acceptable, lower-than-the-expected rate at the Issste Health Unit in Toluca and the Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Bicentenario General Hospital in Tejupilco. Frankly, those names sound like they belong in a soap opera where the main plot twist is people actually getting better!

COVID Cases: The Numbers Game

Now, let’s talk numbers! As of October 15th, 2024, we have a grand total of 9,941 reported cases of respiratory grievances in the region—covering everything from flu to those ‘I can’t quite breathe’ moments we’ve all tried to ignore. Out of those, 1,128 cases came back positive for COVID, which translates to a nifty little 11.3%. Last week, we even saw just 12 new cases pop up, which is just about as thrilling as watching paint dry. As far as deaths go, we’ve sadly got 37 reported so far, which highlights just how crucial it is to keep our guards up and maybe skip the nonsense about not washing our hands.

Now, let’s not forget about Influenza! In the second week of the 2024-2025 seasonal flu season, a staggering total of 288 cases of suspected viral respiratory diseases were registered. Out of these, one case of influenza was confirmed this week. So, congratulations to Mr. Influenza for taking the spotlight as the ‘Most Annoying Virus’ of the week. It’s a tough competition—right next to ‘Didn’t-Call-Back-Last-Week’ and ‘Always-Borrows-Money’!

A Reminder to Follow Preventive Measures

So what do we take away from this? Well, aside from my budding career in sarcasm, the obvious takeaway here is the need for continued preventive measures to avoid infections. Yes, wash your hands, wear that mask if you’re feeling under the weather, and maybe, just maybe, steer clear of the sneezy friend at the dinner party. Safety first, because the only thing we want to see is a continued decrease in hospital bed occupancy for COVID, not an increase in late-night Netflix viewings of cat videos because we can’t leave the house!

In conclusion, while things are looking up and the numbers show improvement, let’s not get too cocky or start throwing caution to the wind just yet. A little awareness goes a long way, and with that, I’ll leave you with a gentle reminder: Perhaps next time, let’s have our social gatherings outside! Because remember folks, fresh air is the real superhero, and indoor gatherings are more of the ‘villain we all love to hate.’

Stay safe, stay cheeky, and keep those preventive measures in mind! Until next week!

According to data from the Serious Acute Respiratory Infections Monitoring Network (SARI Network), this week the occupancy of beds per Covid patient in Mexican hospitals decreased by half, going from 2.4 to 1.2%; None of these patients are in beds with a ventilator, nor in serious condition; and are treated at the Issste Health Unit in Toluca (33%), and the Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Bicentenario General Hospital in Tejupilco (50%).

Remember to maintain preventive measures to avoid infections (Photo: GEM special).

So far this 2024 (15 October 2024 – Epidemiological Week 41), according to the weekly report on Covid-19, influenza and other respiratory viruses, from the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, a total of 9,941 cases have occurred in the entity, including influenza-type diseases and infections. severe acute respiratory infections, of which, 1,128 have been positive for Covid (12 in the last week), representing 11.3 percent of the total. In addition to this, during this year, there have been 37 deaths in the entity.

Regarding the second week of the 2024-2025 seasonal influenza season, a total of 288 cases suspected of viral respiratory disease (ETI/SARI) have been registered in the Viral Respiratory Disease Monitoring Health Units (Usmer), of the which, 1 cases of influenza were confirmed this week.





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