Polylactic acid injections: indications, instructions for use, precautions

2024-10-19 14:45:00

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable synthetic substance used in aesthetic medicine to stimulate collagen production. Unlike classic fillers, which directly fill in wrinkles and lost volumes, it acts as a bio-stimulating agent and encourages our body to produce more collagen. Explanations from Dr Bernard Cornette de Saint Cyr, aesthetic and plastic surgeon in Paris.

Definition: what is polylactic acid?

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable synthetic polymer used in aesthetic medicine for its bio-stimulating properties. It is derived from lactic acid and belongs to the aliphatic polyester family, known for their biocompatibility and ability to break down naturally in the body.

As Dr Cornette de Saint Cyr explains to us, it is used in aesthetic medicine in the form of an injectable suspension. But unlike fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which directly fill in wrinkles and restore volume, it acts gradually by stimulating the production of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. “It is not an instant volumizer, but a bio-stimulating agent which improves the firmness of the skin and plumps it up over several months,” he summarizes.

Its properties in aesthetic medicine

Biocompatibility. Polylactic acid is well tolerated by the bodywhich minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.Biodegradability. He breaks down naturally in the body over time into lactic acid, which is then metabolized and eliminated.Collagen stimulator: Its main effect is to stimulate the production of endogenous collagenproviding a more lasting result than traditional fillers.

Good to know: polylactic acid has long been used to correct lipoatrophy in AIDS patients. “At the time, the injections were even reimbursed by social security,” remembers Dr. Cornette de Saint Cyr.

Indications: why use polylactic acid injections?

Polylactic acid injections are generally recommended for aesthetic reasons:

Restoration of facial volume

With age, loss of fat and collagen causes sagging of the skin which can lead to more pronounced hollows and wrinkles. Polylactic acid helps to naturally fill in these losses and restore the natural contours of the face. It is particularly indicated for:

Correct loss of volume in the cheeks and temples : which can sag with age.Reduce deep wrinkles : in particular the nasolabial folds (the folds that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth).

Increased collagen production

Polylactic acid not only temporarily fills in wrinkles, it encourages the skin to produce more collagen, which leads to gradual rejuvenation and results that improve over time. The collagen thus produced helps to strengthen the structure of the skin, which improves its firmness and elasticity.

Treatment of facial lipoatrophy

Polylactic acid can also be used in a medical context to treat lipoatrophy (the significant loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the face), which can occur in people with chronic illnesses, such as HIV. It helps to:

Correct pronounced hollows on the faceespecially on the cheeks.Restore a more balanced facial appearancereducing the appearance of atrophied areas.

Reduction of scars and skin depressions

Polylactic acid is sometimes used to alleviate depressed scars or skin irregularities following injury or surgery. It works by filling these depressions and stimulating the regeneration of collagen around scarred areas.

Polylactic acid injections take a few months to take effect, but the results can then last 18 to 24 months or even longer, as the newly formed collagen remains even after the product has completely broken down. Dr. Cornette de Saint Cyr.

And the expert adds: “Polylactic acid injections can be combined with other types of injections, such as hyaluronic acid injections or from botulinum toxin. This allows their complementary effects to be combined: polylactic acid stimulates collagen production and improves volume in the long term, while hyaluronic acid offers immediate results by filling in wrinkles. Botulinum toxin can relax muscles to reduce expression lines. These combined treatments sometimes make it possible to obtain more harmonious rejuvenation ».

In which areas can polylactic acid be injected?

Polylactic acid injections are indicated in several areas of the face and body to restore volume and stimulate collagen production:

At the level of visageto restore the volume of dark circles, the valley of tears, nasolabial folds, temples, or even the jaw. mains a you couto reduce the appearance of sagging skin in these areas very exposed to signs of aging At the level of the low-cutto reduce wrinkles and restore the firmness of the skin in this area often exposed to the sun and prone to aging. But also at the level of bras (bat arms) in particular, thighs and buttocks.

How are polylactic acid (Sculptra®) injections carried out?

” A gradual approach is necessary to ensure natural and lasting results,” emphasizes Dr. Cornette de Saint Cyr. And to detail the support process…

A prior consultation is essential before proceeding with the injections. This meeting allows us to evaluate needs and expectations patients, to check the medical history to rule out any contraindication and to explain the course of the treatment, the expected results, as well as the possible risks. Polylactic acid is delivered in powder form (Sculptra ®) which must be reconstituted with sterile water. The mixture must be prepared several hours before the injection to ensure good dilution and avoid any local irritation. Just before the injection, the area to be treated is cleaned and disinfected. An anesthetic cream may possibly be applied locally to avoid any pain (although the pain is moderate, this precaution helps make the procedure more comfortable). The doctor then injects the polylactic acid directly under the skin (into the dermis). It usually uses a soft cannula with a round tip or a very fine needle. The injection is done in small quantitiesat several strategic points, for homogeneous distribution of the product. After each injection session, a thorough massage is carried out on the treated area. It helps evenly distribute polylactic acid under the skin and prevent the formation of nodules. “Patients should continue to massage the area daily for two weeks following the injection,” specifies the surgeon. Polylactic acid injections do not produce an immediate effect. And on average, 2 to 4 sessions are necessary to obtain optimal results, with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks between each session.

The results stabilize after two to three months and can last up to two years or more, depending on the quality of the skin and the lifestyle habits of the patients. Dr. Cornette de Saint Cyr.

Risks: what can be the side effects of these injections?

Side effects are very rare, but we observe quite often:

localized redness; minimal bleeding at the injection site ;bruising or slight swelling at the injection site; feeling of discomfort or mild pain.

“These symptoms disappear in two to six days,” says the surgeon, who specifies that the injections generally do not require social exclusion.

In the long term, the formation of visible or palpable nodules has also been reported at the injection site. They are generally painless, but can be unsightly and be accompanied by inflammation or discoloration of the skin…

Good to know: pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid these injections, as should people who have undergone recent dermatological treatments.

Price: how much do polylactic acid facial injections cost?

Difficult to answer this question… The cost of polylactic acid injections for the face can vary considerably depending on the practitioner, the city, the quantity of product used and the number of sessions necessary to obtain the desired results.

On average, the cost of polylactic acid injections for the face can be around between 400 and 1,500 euros per session : count 400 to 600 euros per session for a small area (dark circles, light wrinkles), 600 to 1,000 euros per session for areas such as the cheeks or the temples and 1,000 to 1,500 euros per session for large areas or combined treatments.

“It is essential to discuss prices during the initial consultation with your practitioner,” warns Dr. Cornette de Saint Cyr. And to conclude: “Make sure you choose a qualified professional and evaluate the quality of care rather than relying solely on price.”

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