Breast cancer: Guide to do the self-examination in a few minutes

Manuela Duque, patient recovering from <a data-mil=breast cancer. Photo: AlmaRosa Foundation” width=”1920″ height=”1080″ srcset=” 1920w,×169.png 300w,×576.png 1024w,×432.png 768w,×864.png 1536w” sizes=”(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px”/>

Manuela Duque, patient recovering from breast cancer. Photo: AlmaRosa Foundation

Breast cancer, although more commonly associated with women, is a disease that also affects men. Although cases in men are less frequent, it is vital to recognize that breast cancer does not discriminate by gender or age. According to the World Health Organization, early diagnosis can save lives, so performing a regular breast self-examination is crucial to detect any abnormal changes in breast tissue.

Every October 19, World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated, promoted by the WHO to promote prevention and support for those facing this disease.

How to perform a breast self-examination?

  1. In front of the mirror: Stand in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and arms at your sides. Look for any visible changes in the size, shape, or symmetry of the breasts. Look for any dimples, skin wrinkles, nipple changes, or redness.
  2. Raise your arms: With your arms raised above your head, look at your breasts again for the same changes. Be sure to check both sides carefully.
  3. Palpation standing or in the shower: With your fingers together, begin to gently palpate the breast. Use small circular motions, pressing lightly at first and gradually increasing the pressure. Palpate the entire area, including the armpit.
  4. Lying palpation: Lie on your back and place a pillow under your right shoulder. Use your left hand to examine the right breast and vice versa. Repeat the circular movements, checking the entire breast and armpit area.

Why is self-examination important?

Breast self-examination is an effective and simple tool to detect breast abnormalities before they can be noticed by a health professional or a mammogram. This process is not only quick, but it allows you to get to know your body better, making it easier to identify any irregularities that may arise.

In men, symptoms of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast tissue, changes in the skin or nipple, or unusual discharge. Although male mammary glands are smaller, the risk is still present. Early detection is key!

What to do if you detect something abnormal?

If you notice any lump, discharge, or change in your skin or nipple, see a doctor immediately. Although many changes may not be cancer, it is essential to get a professional evaluation as soon as possible.

Remember, self-examination is only part of prevention. It is also important to have regular medical checkups and be aware of your family history of breast cancer, in both men and women.

2024-10-19 13:00:00
#Breast #cancer #Guide #selfexamination #minutes



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