How to get rid of midges: 7 tips

2024-10-18 21:07:00

What is a midge?

ou gnats are not to be banned! Some play a useful role in pollinating plants or eliminating garden pests. However, some species can quickly become invasive. Here is an overview of the four most common types:

Sewer flies (Psychodidae) : These little intruders like to hide near pipes, sewers or areas where stagnant or waste water is present.
Fruit flies (Drosophila spp.) : They love ripe or decaying fruit, damp matter and drinks like wine, vinegar or soda.
Phorid flies (Phoridae) : These midges lurk in the same environments as drainage, but also around organic waste and rotting food.
Midges (Sciaridae) : Very present around overwatered houseplants, they feed on the roots and can weaken or even kill your plants. Worse yet, they spread diseases that prevent seedlings from growing properly.


A fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs in a week, which explains the speed of the infestation. Sewer flies, on the other hand, prefer moist areas and, although slower to reproduce, can colonize pipes for several weeks if stagnant water persists.

How to get rid of midges?

Gnats don’t just disappear, but with a little attention and a few DIY tips, you can get them out of your home. Here are some natural traps for catching midges:

Make a Gnat Trap

Prepare the trap : In a small saucer, mix a few spoons of cider vinegar, a little sugar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
Position the saucer : Place it where midges swarm. If necessary, have several.
Lure and stepsigned : Midges, attracted by the sugar, will dive in and will remain trapped there.
Repeat the operation : Change the solution regularly, until they disappear completely.

Vinegar Traps

Option 1: Open trap

Fill a bowl with cider vinegara teaspoon of sugar and one of dishwashing liquid. Sugar attracts midgesthe soap traps them, and the vinegar eliminates them.

Option 2: Covered trap

Mix apple cider vinegar and sugar in a bowl, cover it with stretch film and drill a few holes. Midges will be able to enter but will not be able to come out.

Strategic placement

Place these traps near infested places to optimize their effectiveness.


Apple cider vinegar mimics the smell of fermented fruit, attracting flies who mistake it for a food source or egg-laying site.

Pour boiling water down the drains

Midges like to take refuge in pipes. No need to use specific products : Simply pour boiling water down the sink to destroy their eggs. This also allows to eliminate food leftovers et to clean the pipes.

Install a fruit trap

Place an overripe apple or banana in a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and poke a few holes. “ The midges will enter but remain trapped there, all you have to do is eliminate them. »says Danièle Odin, cleaning expert.

Candle traps

Prepare the trap : Fill a saucepan with a little water (about 5 mm) and add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Place a candle holder in the center and insert a candle into it.
Set the trap: Place the pan on the counter, light the candle, then turn off all the lights.
Attract and eliminate : Midges will be attracted to the flame. Some will fly towards the light, while others will fall into the soapy water and become trapped there.

Fly paper

Nothing is as radical — or as oddly satisfying — as good old fly paper. These sticky strips catch insects in mid-flight. You can hang adhesive tape in areas where midges proliferate, or opt for the special window version, which transforms an entire window into a formidable trap.


Insects, including gnats, hate the strong smell of cinnamon. According to Danièle Odin, cleaning expert, “ its aroma irritates their mouth, nose and lungs, forcing them to move away. » Sprinkle it in the trash, on plant soil or in the pipes, and add a few sticks to your fruit basket.

You can also prepare a homemade spray:

Mix 1 liter of lukewarm water with 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and leave to infuse. Filter, then add a few drops of household alcohol and dishwashing liquid. Shake well and spray onto surfaces.

A spray every evening on the worktop and in the sink, and the pests will stay away!


If the infestation persists, it is best to call a pest control professional.

How to prevent the appearance of midges in the house and kitchen?

Adopting good habits is essential to limit the invasion of midges in your home. Here are some actions to integrate into your daily life:

Store fruits and vegetables : Store them in the refrigerator or in airtight boxesbecause their smell, especially when they ripen, attracts midges.
Eliminate standing water: Empty the plant saucers regularly and monitor water sources on the balcony, near the windows or in the garden.
Keep trash cans closed: Cover your waste well and take them out frequently.
Control humidity: Ventilate the bathroom or place a basin of coarse salt to absorb humidity.
Tidy kitchen : Close sugar and biscuit packages carefully, and clean your surfaces regularly.
Install mosquito nets : If possible, equip doors and windows with mosquito nets to prevent intruders from entering.
Clean the pipes: Pour in coffee grounds or baking soda from time to time, followed by boiling water, to prevent residue buildup.
Impeccable sink: Do not leave dirty dishes or standing water in the sink.

How to prevent the appearance of midges at home. Source: spm

Advice from Danièle Odin, cleaning expert

Keep the sink spotless : “Avoid leaving dirty dishes or leftover food there. Place food directly in the refrigerator. »
Take out the trash regularly : “Empty bags as soon as they are full and disinfect containers with bleach or another cleaning product. »
Maintain an orderly kitchen : “Clean counters frequently and check cupboards to make sure there are no opened sugar packets or poorly wrapped treats. »


How to get rid of midges in a house?

To get rid of midges, opt for traps made from cider vinegar and dishwashing liquid. Remember to clean surfaces, remove overripe fruit, empty trash cans regularly and keep sinks dry. As a last resort, turn to natural insecticides.

Why do I have midges in my house?

Gnats often arise from overripe fruit, rotting food, excess humidity, overwatered plants or clogged drains. They are attracted to heat and decaying organic matter in the home.

What grandmother’s recipes to get rid of midges?

Attract and trap gnats with apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Place half a lemon garnished with cloves near infested areas, or create a trap using red wine covered in cling film.

Is white vinegar an effective solution for killing gnats?

Oui, white vinegar has proven itself against midges. Mix it with dishwashing liquid to attract and drown them. Vinegar attracts them, while dishwashing liquid breaks surface tension, causing them to sink.

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