In West Africa, a housing deficit difficult to fill

2024-10-17 22:04:00

In West Africa, in large developing cities, the housing deficit is a shared problem. A chronic deficit combined with significant population growth. States and businesses are seeking to improve the situation.

« Sometimes, some people give you documents, but you realize that the land does not belong to them », underlines Issouf Sako. He is an approved real estate developer in Abidjan just like Aziz Ouattara. The desire to build is there, but they demonstrate the difficulties surrounding securing land. “ There can really be, I wouldn’t say shenanigans, but there can be several attributions on the same plot, underlines Aziz Ouattara. So when it’s like that, the bank or the investors are afraid to invest a lot, because if there is a conflict, it will be very difficult to decide. This slows down a lot of investments. »

A problem regarding land security recognized for example by the Housing Bank of Senegal (BHS). An agreement between this bank and the Senegalese state allows you to obtain a valid land title free of charge. But to access property when you are an individual, you must also have a bank account and obtain a loan. Approaches which do not always go without saying and which the BHS tries to encourage.

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Savings incentives and prior arrangements

« The incentive to save is firstly through the attractive rates that we offer and the simplification of account opening procedures. Because we see it today with the development of Transfer moneybanks also have this role to play by encouraging populations to come and get banked », assures Abdoul Kasse, the director of the French subsidiary of BHS. Savings also means better rates for bank loans. Which gives a little boost to future buyers.

Promoting the construction of housing also requires political impulses. “ The State must make investments prior to private investment. Because everything that is roads, urban network, does not go directly into the house, but it costs at least 30 to 35% of the overall investment », Points out Brahima Traoré, the director general of the National Housing Agency of Côte d’Ivoire (ANAH). “ If the State does not cover these costs, at the end of the investment, housing cannot be accessible to the groups we want to reach. “, he emphasizes again.

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The National Housing Agency’s mission is to build housing, but above all to ” to build ». « We are creating the conditions allowing the private sector to be able to build. By having financing with banks, by having serviced land and by having an offer from buyers. When we finish that, the sector regulates itself “, he summarizes.

Objective of the Ivorian authorities: the construction of 150,000 housing units by 2030. Assessments estimate that the needs are five times greater.

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