Humanized Robotic Resources arrive at offices

Humanized Robotic Resources arrive at offices

2024-10-18 14:33:00

The report “World Robotics 2024“, carried out by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), recorded 4,281,585 robots operating in factories around the world, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year. By region, 70% of all newly deployed robots in 2023 were installed in Asia, 17% in Europe, and 10% in the Americas. The study demonstrates that this is a trend that is here to stay in the market, driven by the efficiency, agility and security it brings.

The advancement of technology is rapidly transforming the job market and in the corporate world, Humanized Robotic Resources (RRH) are facilitating this revolution. RRH not only automate repetitive tasks, but also expand the capacity for innovation and execution, creating a more agile, productive work environment with more space for human professionals to focus on what is essential.

However, for companies to make the most of this new reality, it is important to rethink the internal organization, especially in the Human Resources (HR) and People Management departments, starting by redefining roles and responsibilities.

Transformation in people management

This is already the reality of some Brazilian companies, such as b2financespecialized in outsourcing accounting, tax, financial and payroll processes, which uses Humanized Robotic Resources (RRH) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as effective tools to transform service delivery. However, for Mauro Inagaki, founder and CEO of the organization, “a balance is needed so that technology does not override humanization, which should be the center of corporate strategy”.

“Companies that balance the use of robots and the well-being of employees have a competitive advantage. This means creating an environment where technology serves human purposes, improving quality of life and job satisfaction. By automating repetitive tasks, we guarantee greater efficiency and precision in our clients’ daily operations, accelerating processes and allowing our employees to dedicate themselves to strategic and analytical activities, facilitating the making of more complex and value-added decisions”, he comments.

Along this path, companies must promote a culture of constant learning, investing in training and development programs that integrate technical and emotional skills. “HR, more than ever, needs to act as a facilitator of this transformation, identifying emerging needs and offering training that prepares employees for a flexible work environment, where humans and robots coexist harmoniously”, explains Inagaki.

Organizational structure and technology integration

According to Mauro, another essential factor for implementing RRH effectively is the adaptation of organizational structures, creating roles such as specialists in AI integration and project managers for automation. “Performance management must also be reviewed. With robots taking on specific tasks, traditional productivity metrics need to be adapted to reflect human-machine collaboration. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new success indicators that value both the result and the process, encouraging innovation and collaboration, without renouncing the company’s values ​​and professional development”.

The CEO adds that given this scenario, Humanized Robotic Resources are not just a trend, but a reality that is shaping the future of work. “The ability to free up human capital for analytical tasks brings a new dynamic to the market, but to prosper, it is essential that companies reorganize their HR and people management practices, integrating technology strategically, maintaining a focus on humanizing work . The future has already arrived and is built by the partnership between the best of technology and the best of human beings”, he concludes.

Humanized Robotic Resources arrive at offices


#Humanized #Robotic #Resources #arrive #offices



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