National Responsible Business Awards 2024: Applications open | Business

Company transparency and corruption prevention nomination, public institutions have been given the opportunity to become Workplace of the year – this is the innovation of this year’s competition, which further expands the concept of responsibility in organizations, says the SADM press release.

Applications can be submitted until November 18.

The concept of responsible business is expanding – what are the innovations in the competition this year?

New nomination. This year, NAVA’s list of nominations was supplemented by another new one – “A company promoting transparency and corruption prevention”. We are also waiting for applications for the nominations “Workplace of the Year”, “Most Community-Based Company of the Year”, “Most Environmentally Friendly Company”, “Workplace that Creates Safety and the Most Favorable Emotional Environment” and “Workplace that Promotes Diversity”.

In addition, a company that carries out its activities responsibly and has demonstrated exceptional attention to society, employees and the environment in 2024 will be honored with the nomination “Socially Responsible Company of the Year”.

We remind you that there is no need to fill out an application for this nomination: the award is given to a company that has submitted applications to several or all nominations and has made significant progress in all areas of social responsibility.

Public institutions are also invited to participate. Another innovation – from this year, public institutions in which the state and/or municipality hold no more than 1/2 of the votes at the general meeting of shareholders are also invited to participate in the “Workplace of the Year” competition nomination. It is hoped that this will encourage more and more role models to be found in the public sector undergoing qualitative changes.

How to apply?

There is no limit to the number of applications – applicants can apply for both individual and all nominations to win.

Each of these nominations is divided into three categories, with separate awards for very small and small companies (up to 49 employees), medium (50-249 employees) and large companies (from 250 employees).

We invite you to send completed applications by e-mail [email protected] until November 18.

You can find more detailed information, competition regulations and approved application forms by clicking – here.

Contact for inquiries – Ludvika Gražulienė, advisor of the Labor Law Group of the Ministry, tel. +370 687 29 395, e-mail Mr. [email protected].

About NAVA

National Responsible Business Awards (NAVA) is an initiative of state institutions in Lithuania that has been implemented since 2008, which aims to increase awareness of the benefits of corporate social responsibility for business, the state and every person, and to encourage the country’s companies to implement the principles of social responsibility in their operations.

Since 2013, these awards have been organized by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the Ministry of the Environment together with social partners.

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