Which hashtags are trending on Instagram: how to find them and which ones to use to increase followers

Get Ready to Boost Your Instagram Game with Trending Hashtags!

Right then, folks! Let’s dive into the fantastically wild world of Instagram hashtags. You see, just uploading a photo of your avocado toast isn’t going to make you Insta-famous anymore. No, no! You need to put in some hashtag hunting. Think of it like dating; the right hashtags could be your matchmaker, ensuring that your precious content can find its soulmate viewers—who might actually want to follow you! Just like trying to find that one person who will tolerate your dad jokes… it’s a tough job!

The Instagram search engine is here to save your flailing posts! You can find those elusive trending hashtags, and let’s be honest, hashtags are like a secret sauce; without them, your content is just bland chicken breast—edible but not very exciting. Let’s not forget, failing to add hashtags is like going to a party dressed in a bathrobe—you’ll get looks, but not the ones you want!

What’s Trending? Hashtags that Steal the Spotlight!

Use hashtags in English—unless you’re really good at charades!

Now remember, the trends change quicker than a two-year-old’s mood! One minute, you’re riding high on the #adventuretrips train, and the next—bam!—you’re left holding the bag of stale memes. But don’t fret! There are always a few hashtags that remain evergreen.

Here’s a quick rundown that’ll have even your grandparents going, “Those hashtags are lit!”

Travel Hashtags That Will Take You Places

  • #travelphotography – Perfect for showcasing your overstuffed suitcase.
  • #bloggerdeviajes – Because who needs a social life when you can be a travel blogger?
  • #unforgettabletrips – Just remember, it’s frequently used by people who *don’t* forget to pay their bills!

Music Hashtags for Your Inner DJ

Because who doesn’t want a soundtrack while scrolling?

  • #music – Good for just about everything except for actually making music!
  • #newmusicalert – For those moments when your favorite band drops a hot, new track.

Fashion Hashtags That Keep You Stylish (or at Least Trying)

Fashion: It’s all about the hashtags… and the courage to wear them!

  • #instamoda – Because ‘fashion’ is just too boring to say!
  • #fashionmoda – Double the words, double the style—who says you can’t go overboard?

Food Hashtags to Make You Hungry (and Possibly Broke)

Why eat something that *isn’t* Instagrammable?

  • #food – Goes with everything, including despair while you diet!
  • #healthyfood – For those who look at kale and feel triumphant.

Pet Hashtags: Because Pets Rule the Internet!

A pet post without hashtags is like bread without butter—just sad!

  • #pets – The classic, the evergreen, the reason for your joy!
  • #instapets – Because all pets deserve their fifteen minutes of fame!

How to Hunt for Trending Hashtags!

Now, let’s get practical! You might be thinking, “Where do I find these magical hashtags?” While some people fork out cash for fancy apps, the truth is you can do it for free! Grab your phone and follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app – Yes, that one app that’s forever judging your food choices.
  • Click on the magnifying glass – Not the one you use to find your reading glasses!
  • Search away! Type in the topic and watch the hashtag magic unfold!

And voilà! You’ll be greeted with a treasure trove of hashtags. If only finding a parking space was this easy!

What Hashtags to Use to Gain Followers?

Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand for followers.

In short, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all hashtag strategy. It’s like trying to predict the British weather; it’s all over the place! Just remember to use hashtags relevant to your content, and aim to use the hot trending ones. Include those festive hashtags with the flair of a disco ball, and you might just end up on that coveted Explore tab.

So let’s get tagging, and who knows, your followers may just chase you like puppies chasing a stick!

Now, to keep up with all this fantastic madness, don’t forget to check out Andro4all on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter (X).

Join the conversation, and let’s get those hashtags to work for you!

This time we will show you how to find the hashtags that are trending on Instagram, and which ones to use to get more followers

The Instagram search engine allows you to find trending hashtags

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Uploading a photo or video to Instagram and waiting for the content to receive views without doing anything else is, without a doubt, a big mistake. Unlike other social networks, such as TikTok, Facebook or X (Twitter), you need to boost that content so that other people can find it.

One of the most effective and used methods is the use of hashtags. Hashtags are words or phrases that are written preceded by the pound symbol (#) to index topics or keywords on social networks. The function of this tool is to group content and facilitate its search.

Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems, and that is if incorrect hashtags are used or without search volume, content related to those hashtags will not have the expected reach in terms of visualizations.

Luckily, Finding the hashtags that are trending on Instagram is very simple. Here we are going to explain in detail which are the most used and how to find them.

What hashtags are trending on Instagram?

You can use hashtags in English to position your content in the “Explore” tab of Instagram

Although The hashtags that are trending on Instagram change dailythere are some that have been used for years and that continue to be used by millions of users, which allows visibility to any publication or Reel.

Below we show you some of the most used hashtags on Instagramthat is, those that are still trending today.

Travel hashtags that are trending on Instagram

The “#travel” hashtag will increase the reach of your posts

  • #travelphotography
  • #adventuretrips
  • #bloggerdeviajes
  • #blogviajes
  • #travelphotos
  • #littletrip
  • #unforgettabletrips
  • #instaviajes
  • #worldtrips
  • #trips

Music hashtags that are trending on Instagram

The hashtag “#spotify” is usually used by millions of users who share music-related content.

  • #music
  • #musicals
  • #newmusicalert
  • #urbanmusic
  • #goodmusic
  • #musicaelectronica
  • #musicapopular
  • #instamusica
  • #musicanueva
  • #musicaendirecto

Fashion hashtags that are trending on Instagram

You can add clothing brand hashtags to increase the reach of your posts.

  • #menswear
  • #modainfantil
  • #instamoda
  • #modamujer
  • #modafitness
  • #modaonline
  • #spanishfashion
  • #fashionmoda
  • #modastyle
  • #modavintage

Food hashtags that are trending on Instagram

Food photos and videos are usually very well received by other users on Instagram

  • #food
  • #healthyfood
  • #homemadefood
  • #foodfit
  • #realfood
  • #veganfood
  • #comidarapida
  • #typicalfood
  • #fotodecomida
  • #goodfood

Pet hashtags that are trending on Instagram

The most used pet hashtag on Instagram is “#instapet”

  • #pets
  • #happypets
  • #instapets
  • #amorporlasmascotas
  • #dogs
  • #instagramdogs
  • #gatos
  • #amogatos
  • #gatoslindos
  • #petcare

How to find the hashtags that are trending on Instagram?

Although there are applications and web services that allow access to a complete and varied list of trending hashtags on Instagram, most of these services are paidand may not be affordable for everyone.

Fortunately, you can find the hashtags that are trending directly from the Instagram application itself on your mobile. Here’s how to do it quickly and easily:

You can also search for hashtags on the PC version of Instagram

  • Open the Instagram app on your mobile.
  • Click on the small magnifying glass located in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Click on the section that says “Search”.

There are paid apps that allow you to see trending hashtags on Instagram

  • Write the topic related to the hashtags you want to find.
  • Various results will appear; Select the tab that says “Hashtags”.
  • In a few seconds, you will see trending hashtags related to the topic you searched for.

What hashtags to put on Instagram to increase followers?

No specific hashtag will allow you to magically add followers.

It is difficult to determine exactly what hashtags to use in Instagram posts to gain more followerssince there is no exact list that guarantees an increase in followers.

In summary, You should use hashtags that are trending and that are directly related to the content you publish. That is, if you upload photos or videos about food, you will have to include hashtags that contain the word “food” (you can use the Instagram search engine to find them).

By using popular and relevant hashtags, you can appear in the Explore section of Instagram, which, over time, will help you gain more followers, as long as the content you share is quality.

You can follow Andro4all in Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter (X) consult or consult our Telegram channel to stay up to date with the latest technology news.

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