It is not enough that the leader of Hamas is dead! Israel does not consider ceasefire and wants to achieve 1 goal before the US election – United News Network

Oh, gather around, everyone! It looks like the geopolitical soap opera has reached another dramatic twist! I swear, if this were on TV, it would be too ridiculous for even the most seasoned viewers to handle. The latest episode features the notorious Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar – yes, the oh-so-important figure we’ve all been hearing about in the news. Spoiler alert: he’s been taken out by the Israeli military. Talk about a plot twist; you’d think it was a season finale!

Now, Israel is popping the confetti like it just won the Super Bowl! “We’ve eliminated the mastermind behind the October 7 raid!” they declare, as if that settles everything. But wait—a ceasefire? Ah, that’s like asking a cat to take a bath: not happening! Instead, Israel’s decided to take this opportunity to ramp up offensives and create what they call “buffer zones.” Sounds like a fancy name for a ‘you-shall-not-pass’ policy to me.

What I find absolutely riveting is the timing. You see, with the U.S. presidential election looming like an unwanted guest at a party, Israel starts ramping things up. Netanyahu, with the strategic prowess of a chess grandmaster (who might’ve skipped a few moves), is dragging his feet, waiting to see who’s the next star of the White House reality show. Meanwhile, Biden’s there trying to be the peacemaker, like the adult in the room telling the naughty children to play nice… just before they go off and build more toy forts.

Now, let’s talk about concerns from the Palestinian side and even the United Nations—as if their concerns matter in this episode. Israel seems intent on isolating northern Gaza faster than a high school popular kid at the end of prom night. “We’ll just drive Hezbollah out while we’re at it!” Because why not make it a full-on series of unfortunate events, right?

And as for Iran? Well, they’re like that mysterious character who keeps popping up in every season, always causing a ruckus. With missile attacks here, and threats there, the tension is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal left on the stove too long. Apparently, the geopolitical landscape has shifted, and now Israel’s growing less tolerant of threats—smells a little like revenge is in the air, doesn’t it?

In the wisdom of David Schenker, who really knows his stuff—or at least knows enough to make a solid opinion—Israel is gearing up for a fight on multiple fronts. It’s like watching a boxing match where everyone’s throwing punches at everyone else while the referee is just trying to keep it together.

And the headlines! Ah, the headlines! Some say Sinwar’s death could lead to a potential ceasefire, while others declare that it’s merely the beginning of even more chaos. It’s like reading a choose-your-own-adventure book where every choice leads to a cliffhanger. “Will Biden find the path to peace? Will Netanyahu continue the war? Will we ever hear the end of this? Tune in next week!”

In conclusion, this situation is not just tragically and politically complex; it’s a circus of reactions, implications, and strategic moves that would make any writer’s head spin. But we know one thing for sure: it’s going to continue to be one heck of a show, with all the drama and absurdity you’d expect from a top-tier conflict. So grab your popcorn, folks; this is one series you won’t want to miss!

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was attacked in Gaza on the 17thIsraelThe military killed him. Although Israel eliminated the mastermind behind the October 7 raid last year, marking a major victory for Israel, it has no intention of ceasefire. Sources pointed out that Israel will seize the opportunity to continue its offensive in the hope of gaining ground in the region. Strategic advantage, create buffer zones, ensure border security, and create an irreversible reality before the next U.S. president takes office.

Reuters reported that as the U.S. presidential election approaches, Israel has accelerated its attacks on Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah, intending to consolidate its border security and create an irreversible reality before the next president takes office.

By intensifying military operations against Hezbollah and Hamas, Israel hopes to ensure that these armed forces do not regroup and pose a threat to Israeli citizens, according to Western diplomats, Lebanese and Israeli officials and other regional sources.

It is expected that US President Biden may use Sinwa’s death to put pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to end the Gaza war. But Netanyahu intends to continue delaying until Biden steps down and waits to see the attitude of the next US president.

Before considering any ceasefire, Israel is accelerating its military operations along Lebanon’s northern border in the hope of driving Hezbollah out of the northern border while penetrating deep into the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza. However, Palestinians and United Nations agencies are also concerned that Israel is suspected of trying to isolate northern Gaza from other areas through this move, trying to block the area and completely prevent Hamas’ activities in northern Gaza. In addition, Israel is consideringIranThe missile attack on October 1st was Iran’s second direct attack on Israel in the past six months.

David Schenker, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and now a senior fellow at the Washington Institute think tank, said that the local geopolitical landscape has changed and Israel will no longer tolerate any threats. The situation is completely different. This time Israel is fighting on multiple fronts, first with Hamas and then with Hezbollah, and Iran will soon be the next target.

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