‘Bonnie & Clyde’: Ine Beyen comes with a mysterious message – WielerNieuws

Ruben Van Gucht? Ine finally gives her own explanation”>Ine Beyen and Ruben Van Gucht? Ine finally gives her own explanation”>Ine Beyen has been the co-commentator at the women’s road races for several years now. She does this together with Ruben Van Gucht, who has now also become a good friend.

Good friends, or more?

Or is there more going on? The two have already gone on holiday together several times – of course as friends – but there was also that story from Dag Allemaal. It was alleged that Van Gucht and Beyen were having or at least had had an affair.

Absolutely no problem for Beyen, since she is single. In the case of Van Gucht it is slightly different as he is married to Blanka Vlasic and they also have a child together. The two were unable to confirm or deny these rumors.

READ ALSO. Ruben Van Gucht makes promise after fiasco on ‘De Eddy’s’

No confirmation, nor denial

“I don’t really care about it because Blanka and I have a good relationship. We talk openly about things that others don’t have an affair with. Our relationship is our relationship and we can organize it the way we want and no one has a say in that,” Van Gucht recently stayed on the surface.

And Beyen also remained tight-lipped. “That’s annoying, but I can’t worry about it. As long as the people around me don’t start believing that nonsense, I can live with it. I try to use the same strategy as Ruben: in one ear, out the other. out,” it sounded.

READ ALSO. Ruben Van Gucht praises classy Iserbyt: “You see very little”

Mysterious message?

But there is no denial either. And now Beyen suddenly came up with a possibly mysterious message on Instagram. After ‘The Eddy’s’ – the latest award show in cycling – she posted a photo of them together.

This is accompanied by the song ‘Bonnie & Clyde‘ by Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot. In addition to being a couple of criminals, Bonnie & Clyde were also each other’s love partners, and they did just about everything in secret. And artists Gainsbourg and Bardot also had an affair for years. A subtle reference to their situation?

Ah, the age-old question: good friends or a steamy secret romance? Today’s feature on Ine Beyen and Ruben Van Gucht is one for the gossip columns. Grab your popcorn, ladies and gentlemen; this is cycling drama at its finest!

Good Friends, or More?

Now, Ine Beyen – the co-commentator with a smile that could defrost an iceberg – has been riding shotgun with Ruben Van Gucht for years. And let me tell you, they’ve become “good friends.” Yes, as they say, a friend in need is a friend indeed. However, it seems our dynamic duo has been seen frolicking on holiday together… but only as friends, of course. Right, because holidays with friends never lead to questionable Instagram posts!

But wait! The ever-reliable Dag Allemaal has thrown a spanner in the works, alleging these two lovebirds might have more than just cycling commentary going on. Talk about a plot twist! Beyen is single, which means she’s got all the freedom in the world. But Van Gucht? He’s tied down tighter than a pair of bib shorts! Rumor mill alert: he’s married to the fabulous Blanka Vlasic and they even have a child. Ah, the classic love triangle tangled in a cycling story!

No Confirmation, Nor Denial

When grilled about these juicy rumors, Van Gucht responded with the coolness of a cucumber in a freezer, saying, “Blanka and I have a good relationship.” Well, nothing says “trust me” like an evasive statement! He claims they communicate “openly” about things that others might keep on the down-low. Really? If my partner said that, I’d be left wondering just how “open” that communication really is. Maybe they have their own version of an open relationship… like an open buffet!

And what about Beyen? The queen of the tight-lipped response! She has taken a leaf out of the Van Gucht playbook, claiming that she doesn’t worry about the rumors as long as her circle doesn’t start believing the nonsense. Well, good luck with that, love! Once something hits the gossip mills, it’s like putting toothpaste back in the tube. It just doesn’t happen!

Mysterious Message?

But here’s where it gets a bit juicier! After ‘The Eddy’s’ award show, Beyen dropped a possibly mystical Instagram post featuring a lovely snap of her and our boy Ruben. Maybe it’s just me, but posting that along with a soundtrack of “Bonnie & Clyde” by Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot is downright suspicious. The original Bonnie and Clyde were notoriously criminally inclined but let’s face it: they also enjoyed a rather steamy love affair! Now that’s what they call a hint, right?

It’s almost theatrical how she’s thrown out breadcrumbs while keeping the audience guessing. Are they channeling their inner rebels, or is it just an innocent choice of tune while sharing holiday snaps? One thing is for sure – keep your eyes peeled, folks! This budding cycling romance might just be the next match fix we didn’t know we needed. And remember, in the world of cycling, anything can happen – except for flat tires, it seems! Now that’s a twist we could do without!

So, what’s the takeaway? Are Beyen and Van Gucht riding tandem on the road to romance or just indulging in that classic “we’re just friends” routine? Either way, keep your binoculars ready; this story is far from over!



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